Auditing field-level changes to security rule and data instances
By simply creating a model and a trigger rule, you can generate history memos that automatically audit field-level changes to both rules and data instances. For example, you can create a model and trigger that will track changes to user RuleSet lists in an access group. Pega Platform™ also provides preconfigured reports to collectively view the history data.
This process includes the following steps:
- Opening the appropriate model to review the default properties
The Pega-RULES ruleset contains four models (Rule-Obj-Model) named pyTrackSecurityChanges that allow you to quickly set up audit functionality for security-related records.
- Creating a declarative trigger
In this step, you create a declarative trigger (Rule-Declare-Trigger) for each class you want to track.
- Verifying your new auditing changes
Verify your configuration by changing a field (defined in the model) in the appropriate rule instance, and then opening the history memo.
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