Configuring an application to use an anonymous authentication service
Enhance your application's user experience by enabling anonymous users to connect to the application without entering any login credentials, and prompting them for authentication partway through a session. You can build this type of application by using an anonymous authentication service and the reauthentication gadget.
For example, at most online shopping portals, you can shop without identifying yourself. When you check out, however, you receive a prompt for credentials.- Create the anonymous authentication service of the
Anonymous authentication type.For more information, see Creating an authentication service.
- Create one or more non-anonymous authentication services of any authentication
type except Anonymous.For more information, see Creating an authentication service.
- Create an application.Create the application in a ruleset that is accessible to guest users. Users initially connect as guests by using the Login URL that is shown on the authentication service form. For more information, see Authentication services and rule availability.
- Configure the application to trigger the authentication mechanism at the step
where you want to prompt the user for credentials, by starting the local flow
action pyReAuthGadget.This flow action displays the section pxReAuthGadget, where the user authenticates. The target of the pyReAuthGadget flow action can be a modal dialog box or an overlay. The Replace Current target, which is displayed in the list of options, is not supported.You can use the when rule pzIsAnonymousUser at any time to check whether the user has reauthenticated. A return value of false indicates that the user has provided valid credentials and has been authenticated. Use this when rule to conditionally display a button or link to pyReAuthGadget.
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