Configuring login using a custom authentication service
Specify the appropriate fields based on how users will be authenticated in the custom authentication service. If using a directory, specify binding information for your directory. To access this service, you will also need to specify the activities used to validate user credentials, the alias name, and alias URL pattern.
- In the navigation pane of Dev Studio click .
- Select an existing custom authentication service from the instance list, or create a custom authentication service.
- Click the Service tab.
- In the Login configuration section:
- In the Authentication service alias field, enter the
application service alias you want to use for this Authentication service.
The Authentication service alias is used for hitting the authorization endpoint.
For example: Enter ClientLogin in the Authentication service alias field. - In the URL pattern field, enter the servlet name mapped in
web.xml for this authentication service.
In this example, when viewing the web.xml, the LDAP authentication service has the PRWebLDAP1 servlet, which is mapped to the WebLDAP1 authentication service.
For example: Enter WebLDAP1 in the URL pattern field and the following URL will generate Login URL:
- In the Authentication service alias field, enter the
application service alias you want to use for this Authentication service.
- In the Custom Authentication Activity section, in the
Authentication Activity field, press the Down Arrow key and
select the authentication activity.The activity must have Code-Security as the Applies To key part.
- In the JNDI Binding Parameters section, in the Initial context factory field, enter the Java class name of the JNDI initial context factory that you want to use to connect to the directory server, for example, enter com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory.
- In the Directory field, enter an explicit URL or a JNDI entry
that represents a directory located on the LDAP server. This approach enables you to
relocate servers without having to reconfigure the application. For an explicit URL, use the following format: ldap[s]://[ servername ]:[ portnumber ] .For a JNDI entry, the syntax is dependent upon the server environment.
- In the Trust store field, press the Down Arrow key and select the truststore record that contains the server certificates.
- In the Bind distinguished name field, enter the credentials of
the bind user who is allowed to search the directory tree for the credentials of a user
who is attempting to log in. The standard LDAP authentication activities authenticate with the directory server as this user so it can then search the directory for users.
- To enter a password for the bind user, click Set Bind Password.
- In the Search Parameters section, in the Directory context field, enter the directory context that defines the branch in the Directory Information Tree (DIT) that holds information about the users who can be authenticated by this authentication server. For example, enter OU=people, DC=yourco, DC=com.
- Click Save.
- To check the connectivity to the server and verify that the configuration JNDI binding parameters are correct, click Test connectivity.
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