Enabling, disabling and deleting operators
You can control which users can access your application or are authorized to work on assignments in your application. By providing the minimum level of access that each user requires, you can improve the security of your application.
For example, you can disable accounts for inactive users or classify a user as unavailable for a specific period of time.
The following tasks can help you restrict a user’s access to your application:
- Viewing locked and disabled operators
You can view lists of locked and disabled operators, and unlock or enable them.
- Disabling an operator
An inactive operator should not be able to log in to the Pega Platform. Each operator ID has a defined number of days of inactivity before being automatically disabled. However, you can manually disable an operator at any time, if necessary.
- Enabling operators
You can manually enable any disabled or locked operators.
- Unlocking an operator
An operator can get locked after a certain number of failed login attempts. The security policies specify the default number of failed login attempts before a password is locked. You can unlock the operator manually.
- Deleting operators
To ensure that only designated workers can access your application, you can disable access for users that are no longer active, for example, when they no longer work in your organization.
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