Creating stories from the Security Checklist
The first item of the Security Checklist is Determine who is responsible for this Checklist. Whoever is responsible for the Security Checklist needs to assign each item as a story to the individual who will complete each checklist task.
Each item in the Security Checklist needs to be assigned to the developer who will complete the work.
- On the Dev Studio homepage, in the Security status section, and click Application Guides.
- Click Application security checklist.
- On the right of each Security Checklisttask, click the More icon and select Create story.
- In the Owner field, assign the task to the developer who will complete the work.
- In the Due field, use the calendar tool to choose the due date of the item.
- Using the Complexity drop down, depending on the complexity level of the task select: Low, Medium, or High.
- In the Priority selection, all tasks should be set to Must have.
- In the Acceptance criteria field, provide any acceptance criteria if you know what the criteria should be. If not, leave this to the developer. All items should have acceptance criteria.
- Click Save.
- Repeat for all items in the checklist.
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