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If your Process Commander development work involves activities (Rule-Obj-Activity rule type), user interfaces, or system interfaces, you can extend Process Commander's built-in Java code with your own code.

Process Commander supports open authoring, so you can work with any of several popular Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tools, including JEdit, Microsoft Visual J++, Borland JBuilder, Sun ONE Studio), or IBM Visual Age. (Recent versions of Eclipse cannot work with Process Commander open authoring.) CLINB 10/12/2010

Follow these instructions to make Java in Process Commander available to your IDE. After you set up editors, you can start your Java editor by clicking the pencil icon () on certain rule forms. (If you don't set up a Java editor, Process Commander uses Notepad.)

Remember that Java compilation and execution occurs only on the Process Commander server. Process Commander does not use Java applets.

Java open authoring is available from the Activity, Edit Input, Edit Validate, and Function forms. A large set of predefined interfaces are available through the PublicAPI calls.

  Setting up a Java IDE in Windows XP

1. From the Start menu, select Settings>Control Panel>Folder Options. Select the View tab, and clear the check box for Hide file extensions for known file types.

2. Select the File Types tab. A new dialog box appears.

2. Select Java as the file type and click  Change  . A new dialog box appears.

3. Complete the Open With dialog box by selecting your Java IDE or editor. Click  OK  .

4. If desired, select the View tab again and check the Hide file extensions.. box.

5. Click OK   again to close the Folder Options dialog box.

5. The next time you click the pencil icon (Pencil) in a certain rule forms, Process Commander opens this program.

  Local CLASS files and Microsoft Visual Studio

The Microsoft J++ editor works best if the compiled CLASS files are available locally. To activate the IntelliSense™ feature:

This feature places several Java package "includes" and a variable declaration into each temporary file used for Java open authoring.

To confirm that your environment is set up correctly, create a Java class called TestPega.Java, with this code:

import Pega.*;
class TestPega{
public static void main(String[ ] args)
   Property p;
// p } }

In the fifth line: Remove the comment (“//”). After the “p”, enter a “.”. If IntelliSense works correctly, Visual J++ lists the available Property methods.

Definitions open authoring
Related topics Process Commander for Java developers — Concepts and terms

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