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About landing pages in the Business Analyst portal

Click the Pega button (Pega button) to access the menu categories of landing pages. An arrow () in a menu item indicates that the item has a submenu of choices. Usually, the submenu choices correspond to the gadgets available on the associated landing page. For example, the Import & Export landing page has two gadgets (Import and Export).

To review the organization of the landing pages that you can access in the Business Analyst portal, click the Pega button and then click Show All.

(When using the Designer Studio, a different configuration of landing pages is available. See Designer Studio — About landing pages.)

Gadgets, Wizards, and Reports

The table below lists the gadgets, wizards, and reports that are accessed through the landing pages. The table is organized alphabetically by name of the gadget, wizard, or report. Click a link in the Page column to access help about a particular landing page and its corresponding gadgets.

NoteSome choices in Pega button menu in the Business Analyst portal directly start a wizard or report results instead of displaying a landing page gadget. For example, the Build Application choice launches the Application Accelerator.

Gadget, Wizard, or Report Page Category


Access Groups and Users StructureStructure Application DetailsApplication Details
Access Roles Case ManagementCase Management Process & RulesProcess & Rules
Actors Overview Application DetailsApplication Details
Advanced Options Overview Application DetailsApplication Details
Attachments Overview Application DetailsApplication Details


Basic Information Overview Application DetailsApplication Details
Branding Wizard Branding WizardBranding Wizard User InterfaceUser Interface
Application Accelerator Build ApplicationBuild Application Application ActionsApplication Actions


Case Type Definitions Case ManagementCase Management Process & RulesProcess & Rules
Checked-Out Rules Development Application DetailsApplication Details
Connectors Integration Data ModelData Model


Data Relationships Data RelationshipsData Relationships Data ModelData Model
Data Tables Data TablesData Tables Data ModelData Model
Declarative Network Business RulesBusiness Rules Process & RulesProcess & Rules
Application Profile wizard Define ProfileDefine Profile ApplicationApplication Actions
Developer Activity Development Application DetailsApplication Details
Document wizard Document ApplicationDocument Application ApplicationApplication Actions


Export Import & ExportImport & Export Process & RulesProcess & Rules


Field-Level Auditing Work HistoryWork History WorkWork
Final Conflicts InventoryInventory Application DetailsApplication Details
Find By RuleSet, Version, Rule Type ReportsReports Process & RulesProcess & Rules
Flow Errors ProcessesProcesses Process & RulesProcess & Rules


Heat Map InventoryInventory Application DetailsApplication Details


Image Gallery GalleriesGalleries User InterfaceUser Interface
Import Import & ExportImport & Export Process & RulesProcess & Rules
Integration Accelerators Integration Data ModelData Model
Integration Resources Integration Data ModelData Model
Inventory Reports InventoryInventory Application DetailsApplication Details


Launch Application application Launch ApplicationLaunch Application Application ActionsApplication Actions


Monitor Activity Work ManagementWork Management WorkWork


Profiles in Progress Open ProfileOpen Profile Application ActionsApplication Actions


Portals and Skins User ScreensUser Screens User InterfaceUser Interface
Process Explorer ProcessesProcesses Process & RulesProcess & Rules
Property Tree Property TreeProperty Tree Data ModelData Model


Recent Actions DevelopmentDevelopment Application DetailsApplication Details
Referencing Applications Structure Application DetailsApplication Details
RuleSet Prerequisites Structure Application DetailsApplication Details
RuleSet Stack Structure Application DetailsApplication Details


Services Integration Data ModelData Model
Six Rs InventoryInventory Application DetailsApplication Details
Skills Work ManagementWork Management WorkWork
SLAs ProcessesProcesses Process & RulesProcess & Rules


Tickets Work ManagementWork Management WorkWork


Weekly Rule Updates Development Application DetailsApplication Details
Workbaskets Work ManagementWork Management WorkWork
Work Types and Use Cases Overview Application DetailsApplication Details
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