Back Forward Landing Pages Application Overview landing page
Basic, Work Types , Actors, Attachments, Advanced gadgets

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The Application Overview landing page presents information about the current application. The page contains these gadgets:

  • Basic Information
  • Work Types & Use Cases
  • Actors
  • Attachments
  • Advanced

This landing page enables you to view many of the fields in the application rule form. With password permission, you can edit these fields without having to open the form.

Some fields in the gadgets reference rules (typically the application rule). When an underline appears under a name as the cursor rolls over it, you can select that name to open the underlying rule form.


To change the current application if you have access to more than one application, select Switch Application > application name from the application menu






By default, fields in the gadgets are displayed in read-only mode. Click Edit to open a gadget in edit mode. Click Save to update your edits. The system updates the respective field in the application rule and saves it. You do not need to open and save the rule.

If the edit button in a gadget contains a lock ( Edit ), you cannot use the edit function unless you provide a password. To unlock the gadget, click the button and enter the password in the Password Required to Edit pop-up window. The other gadgets remain locked. When you have finished your edits, click Save, which returns to the gadget to a protected status and saves your updates to the application rule.

To enable or remove application password protection, use the Password Protection checkbox on the Advanced Options gadget. Disabling password protection removes locks from all gadgets for all users in the application.

If you remove password protection from a gadget, it is still locked to other users in the application. However, if another user unlocks either the gadget or the application, updates can be overwritten.

  Basic Information gadget

This gadget identifies the current application and its history.



(no label)

This application name as it appears in the Description field on the application rule form header.


Text description for this application. Also appears in the Full Text Description field in History tab of the application rule.

NoteFor list view and summary view rules, this field may contain Reference directives or <pega:reference> JSP tags. The Description text becomes a report title. See More about List View rules.

NoteFor class rules, this field may not be blank.

Business Objectives

Optional. Expected business outcomes and objectives for this application.

Details and History



Name key value for this application. Cannot be edited.


Version key value for this application. Cannot be edited.


The associated RuleSet. This value causes this application rule to be included when the Export gadget exports the RuleSet. This value does not affect rule resolution of this rule. You specify a version of this RuleSet when you add an attachment (Attachments gadget) to the application.

Ordinarily, select a RuleSet that is among those listed in the Application RuleSets on the General tab of the application rule form.


Date indicating when the rule was created and by whom. Read-only.

This text also appears on the History tab of the application rule.


Date indicating when the rule was last updated and by whom. Read-only.

This text also appears on the History tab of the application rule.

History Details

Click this link see the Save history of this rule in a new window.

The Application Summary area on the Designer Studio Home display () also presents this information in read-only mode.

  Work Types & Use Cases gadget

This gadget displays, for the current application, a tree hierarchy of work types and the use cases that process them. Typically, this information is initially entered in an Application Profile and created by the Application Accelerator. Work types and use cases are filtered by Name, Description, and Work Type.

To open a use case's related rule, select the name of the use case in the tree.




Tree hierarchy of Work types (icon), use cases(icon) , and supporting use case category names.

  • Work types describe the processing of concrete work objects with a life cycle that starts with creation and ends with resolution. Work types are assigned to use cases.
If the users of this application are to enter new work from a composite portal, this information is required.
  • A use case represents a small processing unit performed by one or more actors DCO 5.5 for a given work type within an application. This information is derived from an associated Application Use Case rule.
  • Supporting use case categories are the names assigned to processing use cases that support the operation of the application and processing of work types but do not create work objects, do not have a status, and cannot be routed to actors.

This information is also displayed on the Details tab of the application rule.


  • Use cases — Freeform details that describe the steps involved in completing the use case, the applicable edits, and expected behavior. This information also appears in the Description field on the Description tab of the Application Use Case rule form.
  • Supporting use cases — Description of the use category. Also appears in the description field on the application rule Details tab.
  • Work types — Indicates this application's work class in which its work object properties, HTML forms, and flows are supported.
Type Indicates whether the row contains a work type, supporting type, or use case.

  Actors gadget

This gadget displays an array that lists the names (actors) that are applied to a user, an external service, or a processing agent in the application. Actors are listed by Name, Type, Count, and Access Method.




The name of the actor.

You can identify actors with the Application Accelerator. They also appear on the application rule Details tab.


The type of this actor.


The estimated number of this type of actor typically using the application.

(no label)

Whether the count represents a total number of accesses over a certain time period, or concurrent accesses

(no label)

The time period over which the total number of accesses by this actor type is estimated to occur. Options are Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, and Year. Selection is not required for concurrent accesses.

Access Method

The method this type of actor typically uses to access the application.

  Attachments gadgets

Use this gadget to view, add, or delete attachments associated with the current application rule. Attachments can contain reference materials such as UML diagrams, PowerPoint presentations, informal sketches, or files from external systems.

This information is also displayed on the Attachments tab of the application rule.




Displays a list of attachment names. These are the ones you entered when you added the attachments. Select a name to view its content.


Click to add or delete attachments. The Add / Remove Attachments button appears. Click to open the Attachments dialog.

To add an attachment:

  1. Select or enter a unique name in the Name field in the New Attachments section. Names cannot contain spaces or special characters. For reporting purposes, consider prefixing the name with a purpose like those shown in the Suggested Names group in the pull-down list. For example, NonFunctionalRequirements_Proj1122_GRP21
  2. Click Browse to locate and select the file you want to attach. Click Add to upload the file. A RuleSet Version pop-up dialog appears (appears only once if adding more than one attachment).
  3. Select a version of the application's associated RuleSet and click Apply. This dialog appears only once if you enter additional attachments. The name appears in the Name section on the form.
  4. Click Apply in the Attachments dialog to add the attachment and exit the form. The name appears as a link on the gadget and returns to Edit status. Click Close if you choose not to add the attachment.

To delete an attachment, open the dialog, select it from the Edit section, and click the icon. Click Apply to remove it from the attachment list.

  Advanced Options gadget

Use this gadget to restrict changes to the application rule and other application information. This information also appears on the Advanced tab of the application rule.



Application Rule

Name key value of this application. Cannot be edited.

Application Version

Version key value for this application. Cannot be edited.


The organization, division, and organization unit to which this application belongs.

To open the organization chart and review or modify the organizational owner, hover the cursor to the right of the field to display the opener icon () and click it. kowal: per PROJ-420, this continues to have pencil icon opener

If the label No Org Structure Defined appears in the field, do the following to define an organization:

  1. Click Edit
  2. Click Change
  3. In the Set Node pop-up dialog, select a node in the desired organization and click OK
  4. Click Save in the gadget.

Main Class

For a Pegasystems solution framework, this field can identify a container class for the work pool. The Application Accelerator uses this field to identify solution frameworks.

Override RuleSets

Advanced featureMost applications do not include override RuleSet versions.

When assembling the RuleSet list at sign-on, the system works from the top of this list down. RuleSet versions appear in the following order, in two layers.

  • Override RuleSets if any form the top layer. During rule resolution, this layer is searched first.
  • The operator's private RuleSet, containing rules the operator has checked out, comprises the top of the second layer. (This RuleSet is not shown on the Application rule form). You have a private RuleSet only if the Allow Rule Check Out? checkbox on the Advanced tab of your Operator ID data instance is selected.
  • Application RuleSets form the next lower group in the second layer.
  • Component and shared RuleSets, if any, form the next group of the second layer.
  • Standard RuleSets provided by Pegasystems, that start with the five-character prefix "Pega-" (not the four-character prefix "Pega"), always appear at the bottom of the second layer.

PMF Integration

If enabled, makes the Project Management features visible for developers using this application. See About the Project Explorer and Project Management interface. Proj-833 5.4 and Pega Developer Network article About the Project Management Framework.

Operators using this application see the Project Explorer tab in the Manage Rules panel, and specialized New, Save As, Check Out, and Check In dialogs which include a Project Management section.

A Declare ProjectMgmt link appears when this option is enabled. Click it to open the Rule-Declare-Pages instance Declare_ProjectMgmt. You modify this rule to customize the Project Management features. You can, for example, modify the standard Data-Project-Task.GetTaskList load activity to change the default properties used to identify tasks assigned to rules, or override the activity entirely to link the development process of this application with Pegasystems' Project Management Framework or another external project management tracking system.

See About the Project Explorer and the project management interface.

Password Protection

If enabled, users who have access to this application cannot edit any fields on the landing page without the required password. The edit button in a gadget contains a lock ( Edit ). The application rule also is protected.

If protection is disabled, a warning icon appears in this field. As a best practice, protect the application in most development environments.

To enable:

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Select the Password Protection checkbox.
  3. Enter a password in the Enter and Confirm fields.
  4. Click Save.

To disable:

  1. Click Edit .
  2. Enter the password in the Password Required to Edit pop-up window.
  3. Clear the Password Protection checkbox.
  4. Enter the password in the Enter and Confirm fields.
  5. Click Save. All the gadgets are unlocked and can be edited. Application rule password protection is disabled.

Content Management

These fields indicate whether file attachments are saved into an external content management system, accessed through Connect CMIS rules. V6.1SP2 These fields appear only for applications that include the optional Pega-Content RuleSet.

If the application is enabled for saving file attachments into an external content management system, these fields display information about the Connect CMIS rule used to connect to the external system and the location in which the work object attachments are stored. To enable the application from this landing page, click Edit.

NoteAttachments saved in an external CMIS cannot be crawled or retrieved by Process Commander's full text search facilities. KIRCD 9/13/10



Enable Content Management for Attachments

Select this checkbox to enable content management system integration for this application.

Once enabled, you will continue to have access to work object attachments currently stored in the PegaRULES database. New work object attachments will be stored in the content management system.

Connector Class

SmartPromptSpecify the class in which the CMIS Connect rule is located.

Connector Name

SmartPromptSelect the Connect CMIS rule used to connect to the external CMS system. If the Connect CMIS rule has not been created, click the pencil icon (Pencil) to create a new rule in the class specified in the Connector Class field.

CMIS Folder

SmartPromptSelect the directory location on the content management system in which to store work object attachments for this application.


Click to update the content management settings for this application. You can enable an application that is not currently enabled as well as update the current information.

Definitions current application, landing page, Application Accelerator , Direct Capture of Objectives, Organization, solution framework
Related topics About Application rules
About Application Use Case rules
About Connect CMIS rules

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