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Outbound Email and Inbound Email gadgets



The Email landing page contains the Outbound Email and Inbound Email gadgets.



Integration Integration

Integration Email

Using the Outbound Email

The Outbound Email gadget displays a detailed list of outbound email server connections currently defined in your system.

The list of Outbound Email accounts contains the following columns:

Column Heading


Work Type Displays the first key part of an Email Account data instance R-19523 4.2SP6 MARIK Normal flow processing uses the standard activity Work-.getEmailSenderInfo to send email. This activity looks for an email account instance with an Account Name that matches the class group of the work object.
Email Address Displays the email address of the sender, as configured in the Email Account form.
Sender's Name Displays the name of the sender, as configured in the Email Account form.
Host Name Displays the IP address or domain name of the email server as configured in the Email Account rule.
Secure Displays a locked iconlocked if SSL security is enabled, or an unlocked icon unlocke if security is not enabled.
Connection Status Displays the status of the connection.
  • Failed if a connection to the SMTP server was not established.
  • Successful is a connection was made.

To create a new email server connection, click Add New Connection and complete the Connection Details form.

Column Heading


Work Type Enter the first key part of the Email Account. Begin the name with a letter and use only alphanumeric and dash characters to identify the name of a work pool (class group) used in the application.R-19523 4.2SP6 MARIK Normal flow processing uses the standard activity Work-.getEmailSenderInfo to send email. This activity looks for an email account instance with an Account Name that matches the class group of the work object.
Email Address Specify the email address associated with this email account using the format recognized by your Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) host. Typically the format is [email protected]. If your SMTP host requires authentication, include one @ character.
Password If required by the email server, enter the password for the email account.
Host Name Identify the Internet IP address or the domain name of the Simple Mail Transport Protocol host, for example
Secure Check the box to use Secure Sockets Layer protocol to send email messages through this account.
Sender's Name Enter text that appears as the full name of the sender.
Reply To Identify an email address that recipients of email messages sent from this account can reply to. Use a working, valid email address that is reviewed by a person or is processed.
Keystore Instance

Optional. If your application is to send digitally signed email message, identify a Keystore data instance. See About Keystore data instances.

For instructions on sending digitally signed email, see How to send digitally signed email.

Certificate Alias Enter one or more characters that match all or part of a specific certificate within the keystore data instance. If blank, Process Commander selects the first one it finds of the correct type.

Using the Inbound Email gadget

The Inbound Email gadget displays a detailed list of all inbound email accounts currently configured.

Double-click a row to view additional details about the configuration.

The list of Inbound Email accounts contains the following columns:

Column Heading


Enabled Displays a checkmark if the listener is currently enabled.
Listener Name Displays the second key part of the Email Listener data instance monitoring the account.
Email Address Displays the email address being monitored as defined on the Email Server form.
Host Name Displays the IP address or domain name of the email server to be monitored as defined on the Email Server form.
Service Activity The activity that is run when the listener detects a new inbound message.
Activity Class The class to which the Service Activity belongs.
Last Run The time since the listener last checked for new mail. A warning icon indicates that the listener has exceeded the configured polling interval.
Definitions landing page, Service Activity
Related topics About Email Account data instances
About Email Listener data instances

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