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User Interface Reporting

User Interface Report Access

The Report Access landing page gives you access to the Report Browser (introduced in V6) and the Monitor Activity page ( V5 ).

To access the Reports landing page, select > Reporting > Report Access.

  Report Browser

The Report Browser provides a display of reports available to you based on report definition rules, and may also display List View and Summary View reports. The Report Browser lets you:

You can add V5 List View and Summary View reports to the display with the Add Reports to Report Browser tool, on the Reporting Tools landing page.

When you select a report in the Report Browser, it displays in the Report Viewer in a separate window. The Report Viewer lets you:

See Manager portal -- Using the Report Browser

  Monitor Activity page

Use the Monitor Activity gadget to access and run V5 reports and charts. This gadget presents links to six categories of V5 reports.

Reports about work (in the current application are organized as in the Monitor Activity workspace of the WorkManager portal.

Each group covering a category of reports, and includes starting points for the V5 Report Wizard.

Reports on rules and reports on data operate system-wide. The results do not depend on your current RuleSet list or current work pool.

Reports on work objects and assignments depend on the current work pool. The work pool name appears at the top of the workspace. Select File > Open > Work Pool > name to select the work pool to be covered in a report.

Using the Monitor Activity gadget

NoteReports on assignments and work objects operate as in the Monitor Activity workspace of the WorkManager portal, reflecting only the assignments and work objects in one currently selected work pool. Select Switch Work Pool in the application menu to identify your current work pool — marked with a dot — or to change your work pool to another listed in your current access group.

Reports on rules and reports on data operate system-wide. The results do not depend on your current RuleSet list or current work pool.

If an area appears collapsed, click to expand the area and view the links in the area. Click a link to execute a report. You may be prompted for parameters.


Contents of reports and charts you can access in this area

Rule Reports Tally or list rules in your system. (Results do not depend on the current application.) See Rule Reports.
Monitor Assignments List or summarize open assignments in the currently selected application. See Reports in the Monitor Assignments category.
Monitor Processes List or summarize open (unresolved) work objects in the current application. They support day-to-day monitoring of the business processes supported by your application. See Monitor Processes reports.
Analyze Quality Summarizes resolved work objects along quality dimensions. These support a retrospective review of past work, to aid in understanding how business processes might be improved. See Analyze Process Quality reports.
Analyze Performance Identifies which flow actions were selected how often by assignment, and the timeliness of the selection. These reports are derived from information in the History-Work- classes. See Analyze Process Performance reports.
Data Reports Reports for instances of classes derived from the Data- base class. (This area is initially empty.)
System Reports Reports for instances of classes derived from the System-, Log-, and Index- base classes, and selected History- classes.
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