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User Interface Reporting

User Interface Report Components

The Report Components landing page provides gadgets to help you create and manage these report-related rules:

To access the Reports landing page, select > Reporting > Report Components.

  Report Associations

Association rules define a relationship between two classes based on matching values in pairs of properties. An association rule can let your application automatically add a join to a report that displays properties from both classes referenced in the association.

The gadget displays all available association rules. Click on any entry to open its rule. Click the New button to create a new association rule.

See About Association rules.

  Report Categories

Category rules define categories in the Report Browser, to help organize reports.

The gadget displays all available report categories. Click on any entry to open its rule. Click the New button to create a new report category.

See About Category rules.

  Report Shortcuts

A report shortcut rule provides information about a report (for example, the report's description and the category it appears in) to display in the Report Browser. Click a shortcut rule to run its related report and display the report results in the Report Viewer.

Shortcut rules establish shareable links to personal reports that managers have created. The links let other managers using the Report Browser access the reports. Multiple shortcuts can link to the same report.

The gadget displays all available report shortcuts. Click on any entry to open its rule. Click the New button to create a new report shortcut.

See About Shortcut rules.

  Report SQL Functions

SQL Function rules (also known as SQL function alias rules) define SQL expressions that can be used in the database queries a Report Definition rule generates. Process Commander provides a large number of SQL function rules the user can select; the user can also create a custom rule if none of those provided is satisfactory.

The gadget displays all available SQL function rules. Click on any entry to open its rule. Click the New button to create a new SQL function rule.

NoteTo create an SQL function rule, select or enter Embed-UserFunction in the Applies To field on the new rule form. Specifying any other class creates a Java function alias rule.

See About Function Alias rules.

 Scheduled Tasks

The application's scheduled reporting tasks are listed on this gadget. Each row lists information about the task, including when it last ran and what the status was of that run, and when it is scheduled to run next.

Click the icon in the Run Immediately column to run the report.

Click the name of the task to open the Schedule Task form. You can review details about the schedule, or click the Update button to open the form in edit mode. You can then change values as necessary and click Save to save your changes. See Report Definition rules - scheduling reports.

If another developer is working on the scheduled task, you will see a message that the task is being worked on, and you cannot edit it until the other user is done.

To remove a scheduled task, click Remove on the Schedule Task form.

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