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Designer Studio basics

Change availabilityTo change the availability setting of a rule, click the Availability toolbar button (Availability). You may need to check out the rule first. A dialog box appears.

1. Select one of five Availability values:

Yes Select to make this rule visible to rule resolution processing.
No/Draft Mode Select to cause the rule to become invisible to the rule resolution algorithm for everyone (including yourself), and to allow the rule to be saved even when one or more fields on the form are invalid. C-1119
Blocked Select to halt rule resolution processing (with no rule found) when it encounters this rule. The rule form colors change from greens to grays. B-17118
Final Choose Final when you want this rule to be available (equivalent to Yes), but want to prevent others from overriding this rule in any other RuleSet.
Withdrawn Choose Withdrawn in situations when you want to make this rule invisible to the rule resolution algorithm for everyone (as with No/Draft Mode) and also want to hide other rules that match this rule on visible key, RuleSet, major version, and circumstance details but have a lower minor version or patch version. For details and benefits, see withdrawn rule. C-2555

2. The Base Rule checkbox appears if rules of this rule type can be circumstance-qualified or time-qualified, but this rule itself is not qualified. For rules you have created in this system, leave this box cleared in most cases. For rules created in V5.2 and later versions, the box is cleared by default, to encourage recommended practices. C-2550 5.2 For rules created in V5.1 or earlier versions, the checkbox is selected by default, to preserve past behavior.
Advanced featureSelect the Base Rule checkbox if this rule is (or may later become) a base rule for one or more other, qualified rules and you want to enforce a restriction on the RuleSet versions that was the normal behavior in V5.1 and earlier releases. When selected, this rule is a base rule only for circumstance-qualified rules that exactly match this rule's RuleSet version. That is, circumstance-qualified rules in lower versions are not ever selected by rule resolution.
3. Click  Save  .


NoteClass, library, RuleSet, and RuleSet version rules are always available. You cannot change the availability of instances of these rule types.

NoteRules in an override RuleSet cannot have availability values of Blocked or Withdrawn.

Definitions available rule, base rule, blocked rule, final rule, override, RuleSet list, rule resolution, time-qualified rule, withdrawn rule
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UpDesigner Studio basics