Back Forward Designer Studio   — Using the Related Rules menu

C-2444When a rule is open and front most in the Designer Studio workspace, click the Related Rules toolbar button (Related Rules) to access a list of other rules that are alternatives or otherwise related to this rule.

The entries of the resulting drop-down menu depend on which other rules are found in your system. The currently opened version is marked with a leading dot on the menu item.

The Related Rules toolbar button is available to developers who hold the @baseclass.ToolbarFull privilege.C-2346

Menu item



Appears when the open rule is circumstance-qualified or time-qualified. Select default to open the base rule.

checked out

Appears when the open rule belongs to a RuleSet version, but is also checked out by you. Choose checked out to open the rule in your personal RuleSet.


Starts the Class Inheritance display for this rule, letting you find ancestor classes and rules that this rule overrides. See About the Class Inheritance display. (This menu choice appears only for rules with an Applies To key part.) C-2542 5.2

ApplyTo Opens the class rule of the rule's Applies To class.

Shows qualified rules related to this rule, and the qualifications on this rule.

Circumstance qualifications appear in the form:

.property = "value"

Circumstance date qualifications appear in the form

.DateTimeproperty = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm zzz"

Time-qualifications appear in the form

Starting MM/DD/YY


Indicates a version equal to or lower than the current version (in the same RuleSet). Click to open this version.

Referencing Rules...

Choose the menu item to access a list of other rules that reference the current open rule, and other rules that the current rules references. See About the Referencing Rules display.


View the results of a complete search for siblings to this rule. See Understanding and using the siblings display.

NoteThis menu may identify rules that you cannot open or cannot execute, depending on the contents of your RuleSet list.

Additional options for seven rule types

For a few rule types, an additional menu item appears.

Menu item


Show activity calls

Click to access the display of activities that are called by this activity. See Using the Show Calls display. This menu choice appears only for activities.

Properties that use .. as embedded class

Click to access a list of properties of mode Page, Page List, or Page Group for which this class appears as the Page Class, on the General tab. For classes only; this menu option does not appear if no property uses this as a Page Class.

Applicable rules For classes only. Opens a list view report in a new window listing all rules that have this class as the Applies To key part — all applicable rules.
Functions in ... library

Click to see a list of functions in the library, in a new page. Click a row to open the function rule, or click  New   to create a new function rule. For library rules and function rules only.

Versions of ... RuleSet

Versions in this RuleSet. For RuleSet rules and RuleSet Version rules only.

definitions available rule, referencing rule, sibling

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