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The Home display for the Business Analyst portal presents information about the current application. The page contains six gadgets: GRP-15658 and GRP-14901-1

  • Discovery Map
  • Status
  • Use Case Explorer
  • Governance
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • What's Happening

Some fields in the gadgets reference rules or reports. When an underline appears under a name as the cursor rolls over it, you can select that name to open the underlying rule form or report.

  Discovery Map

This gadget displays the current application's Discovery Map, an interactive top-level view of business process steps.

The displayed Discovery Map is the one associated with the selections in the Work type and Starting process fields. If there are no work types defined for the current application, this gadget displays a message with appropriate actions to take to enable work types on the application.

To view and work with a particular Discovery Map for one of the processes in the current application, first select a work type and then one of the processes in the Starting process field.



Work type Click to select a work type.

NoteIf you update the application rule form with changes to the work types, the changes are not reflected in this drop-down list until you log out of the system and log back in.

Starting process Click to select a process. The Discovery Map for that flow is displayed.

The processes that are available to select are those flows which:

  • Belong to the work type currently selected in the Work type field
  • Have either the Creates a new work object field or Document as a starting process field selected in their Flow form.
Displayed map An icon on a shape indicates the shape has an associated use case. Use case indicator icon

You can double-click the shape to view, and optionally update, the use case information if the shape has an associated use case.

Note: You can update the use case information only if the use case belongs to an unlocked RuleSet.

To view or update use case information from a Discovery Map shape

If a shape in the map has an associated use case, double-click the shape to:

After double-clicking the shape, the Edit Use Case window opens.

Edit Use Case window

In the Edit Use Case window, use the:

You can also select the use case name or requirement name to open the associated rule form.

To save your updates, click OK; to cancel, click Cancel. If the RuleSet version in which the use cases are stored is locked, the fields in this window are read-only.

When updates in this window are saved, the underlying use case rule is updated.



Name Name of this use case. Click to open the rule form for the use case.
RuleSet RuleSet and RuleSet version for this use case. Click to open the RuleSet form.
Definition tab
Business Objective Select a business objective.
Trigger Select the action that initiates this use case.
Status Select the status for this use case.
Actors Specify the actors for this use case.

Use the SmartPrompt to select from a list. Use the Add a row and Delete a row icons to add or remove an item from the Actors array.

Complexity Specify the complexity of this use case.
Shape Specify the shape associated with this use case.
On Behalf Of Select which actor on whose behalf this step is performed.
Description field Enter text that describes the use case.
Requirements tab
Name Name of requirement associated with this use case. To open the rule form for the requirement, click its name.
Category Read only. Category of the requirement.
Importance Read only. Importance of the requirement.
Status Read only. Status of the requirement.
External Req. ID Read only. The ID of the requirement as identified in another (external) system.
Add a row Click to associate another requirement with this use case. The requirement must already exist in the application.
Delete a rowClick to disassociate the requirement from this use case.
Attachments tabGRP-23503
Description Specify a name for the attachment. The name must start with a letter and contain only letters, digits, and underscore characters.
Include in Document? GRP-18625Select this checkbox to specify that the contents of the attachment should be included whenever the use case is included in a generated document (such as in the Application Profile wizard, the Application Accelerator, or the Document wizard).

Only Microsoft Word files are supported for inclusion in generated documents.

Attach FileSpecify the file to be attached. Use the Browse button to locate the file and select it.
Upload FileClick to upload the file.
List of attachmentsThis section lists the files attached to this use case. The displayed description is the name that was entered when the file was originally attached.
Description To open the attached file and view its contents, click the displayed name.

Date and time when the file was attached to the use case.

Include in Doc?Click to specify the contents of the file should be included whenever the use case is included in a generated document (such as in the Application Profile wizard, the Application Accelerator, or the Document wizard). GRP-18625
Delete rowClick to remove the attachment from this use case.

To add a use case to a shape that does not already have one, open that flow directly using the Rule opener button next to the Starting process field; then open the property panel for the corresponding flow shape in the flow diagram, and add the use case. See Flow form — Interacting with the Diagram tab.

See the PDNPega Developer Network article PRKB-26125 Creating Discovery Maps and others listed in the Inception section of the Business Analyst Resources area of the Pega Developer Network.


This gadget reflects the progress made to date on development of the current application.

Status gadget on Business Analyst portal home page

Progress is displayed for the completion status of the use cases in five categories, as well as overall progress for the application.

To drill-down to details about the use cases in a particular category, select one of the numbers at the right of the progress bar for that category.

  Use Case Explorer

Use the Use Case Explorer to work with the current application's work types, supporting types, use cases, and their associated requirements. The use cases are displayed in a tree hierarchy, organized by work type and supporting type. Typically, this information is initially entered in an Application Profile and created by the Application Accelerator.



Work Types & Use Cases

Tree hierarchy of the application's work types, supporting types, and their use cases.

Supporting types and their use cases support the operation of the application and processing of work types but do not create work objects, do not have a status, and cannot be routed to actors.

If the RuleSet version for a work type, supporting type, or use case is unlocked, you can double-click it to edit its details. For a work type or supporting type, you can edit its short description. For a use case, the Edit Use Case window opens and you can update the use case information and associate requirements with this use case.

If the RuleSet version is locked and you double-click an item, a read-only window opens where you can view information about the item.

Short Description

Work types and supporting types — Brief description of the item.

Use cases — Brief description of the steps involved in completing the use case.


Indicates whether the row contains a work type, supporting type, or use case.

To add a use case to a particular work type or supporting type, right-click the item and select Add Use Case.

To open the underlying rule for a work type or use case, right-click the item and select Open Rule.


Use this gadget to assess the current application's adherence to good design and implementation best practices (such as those codified in the guardrails).

The reports provided here give the results of several checks on the rules in the application. These checks are the same as those provided by the Application Preflight tool usually used by application developers. Whereas a developer might do a preflight check at a single point in time to check that a preproduction application is ready for production, a business analyst typically uses the Governance gadget periodically to assess how well the application is doing over time with respect to meeting good design and other guardrail criteria.

For detailed information about the checks and reports available here, see Using the Application Preflight tool.


When the current application and your access group are enabled to use the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Framework, use this gadget to work with and view business KPIs for the application.

If the KPI Framework is not installed or if the current application is not enabled to use the KPI Framework RuleSets, a message is displayed. This message includes a link to an article at the Pega Developers Network that describes how to install the KPI Framework and configure the necessary items.

Elements of the KPIs gadget

This image illustrates the KPIs gadget with three KPIs listed: KPIs gadget

For each defined KPI, this gadget displays:



Name Name of the KPI.
Description Description of the KPI.
Applies to The user or work group this KPI monitors.
Evaluation The evaluation criteria for the KPI.
Last run If the KPI is scheduled to run periodically, this column displays the date and time the last time the KPI ran.
Actions Actions that can be performed on this KPI.

You can:

If the Show KPIs field displays User has no KPI-Gadget-MyKPI privileges, your Operator ID's access group is missing a KPI access role. Update your access group to add the KPI:SysAdmin access role, and then log out and log back in to see the changes.

Working with existing KPIs

For an existing KPI, you can:




View KPI results from scheduled runsClick to view the KPI results collected to date. Available for KPIs that are scheduled to run on a periodic basis.View KPI results icon
Preview KPIClick to present an ad-hoc evaluation based on past work object data. Available for KPIs whose definitions allow ad-hoc evaluation.Preview KPI icon
Show historical trendClick to display trend reports for this KPI. Available for KPIs whose definitions specified trend report creation.Show historical trend icon
Modify KPI definitionClick to modify the definition for this KPIModify KPI icon

  What's Happening

The What's Happening gadget displays the current development activity occurring in the application. In a team environment, you can use this display to monitor team members' work and progress in near real time.

The What's Happening display in the Business Analyst portal has the same behavior as it does in the Designer Studio. See Designer Studio — Working with the What's Happening display for details on actions you can take in this display.

Definition Discovery Map, key performance indicator, preflight check, use case, work type
Related topics Business Analyst portal — About landing pages
Application Preflight tool

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