Back Forward SysAdmin category

Rule types and data classes are organized into categories as a learning and navigation aid.

The SysAdmin category contains thirteen rule types and fifteen data classes. In the list below, data classes are marked with.

Agent ScheduleData

Authentication ServiceData
Class GroupData

COS Printer Data
COS ServerData
Database Data
Database TableData
Declare Index

Dynamic System SettingsData
Email AccountData

Flow Marker

OLAP ConnectionData

Product Patch

Requestor Type Data
RuleSet Version

Spellchecker PropertiesData
System NodeData
System Settings
Test Case
Unit Test Suite
Word Template

On the Application Explorer and Rules Explorer displays, theSysAdmin category icon identifies the SysAdmin category.
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Data classes by form name
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How to build for change
How to delegate a rule
When and how to change a system name
About the RuleSet Delete tool
How to detect long-running interactions
How to detect lengthy PegaRULES database operations
How to enable security auditing for rule or data changes
How to expose a property as a database column
How to replicate a class group and class structure
How to limit connections to the PegaRULES database
How to monitor Storage Stream operations
How to monitor interactive response time
How to create a product ZIP file
How to set up an index
How to limit connections to the PegaRULES database
How to detect when a generated stream was overwritten but never sent
How to detect when a database query length has exceeded a specified threshold
How to detect when the number of declarative indexes exceed a specified threshold
How to detect large HTML streams (PEGA0029 alert)
How to detect database list operations that return many rows
How to create a ZIP file archive from a product rule
How to detect long database connection waits
Understanding the full-text search facility
Working with the License Compliance facility
Working with the Shutdown Rule Usage facility
Working with the Rules Assembly cache
Usage Metrics Reports and charts

How to detect large declarative networks
Understanding passivation and requestor timeouts
How to detect when the number of requestors exceeds the threshold
How to capture and deploy static content to an edge server

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