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Concepts and terms

Introduced in V6.2, the event facilities allow your application to support managers by automatically detecting environmental conditions that trigger predefined processing.

Event Definition

An event definition defines both the conditions and actions for a potential collection of business-related processing in an application. For example, an event condition could specify that anytime a work item in the Adjustments application becomes resolved with a status of Resolved-Writedown and the principal amount is more than $10,000, an email is automatically sent to a specific group of people.

Associated with each event definition are a name, a work type, and an event type. The name uniquely identifies the event definition within XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The work type can be any of the classes in your application that have associated starter flows. The event type is one of NN literal values (listed below).

V6.2 contains xxxxxxxxxx predefined event types which address commonly-needed situations.

For instance, if your application includes the work type AxCo-Finance-FW-Order, xxxxxxxxxxx

Internally, an event definition is a work item of the PegaAccel-CEPSetup work type.



Name xxxxxxxxxxx
Description xxxxxxxxx
Enabled Typically set to true, but can be set to false to facilitate testing or debugging.
From Optional.
To Optional.
Evaluate When  
Data Type  



An event (or more formally an event object) is a work item of the work type Pega-Event-System, identified by the reserved work object prefix pxEvent-. Each event is created automatically by an event definition, when xxxxxxx.

Event Types

These event types are predefined in the PegaAccel-CEPSSetup.pyEventRuleType.

Internal value


pxInstanceUpdated The work object was updated.
pxAttachmentAdded An attachment was added to the work object.
pxCorrespondenceGenerated An item of correspondence was produced for the work object.
pxGoalOrDeadlineExceeded A service level goal or service level deadline was not met.

Event Landing Page

Select Pega button > Process and Rules > Events to access the Events landing page. Three gadgets are available:

Work Types and other Classes




PegaAccel-CEPSetup xxxxxxxxxxx
Pega-Event-System xxxxxxxxx








Definitions agent, event, subscription
Related topics Understanding the Pega-EventProcessing agent
Process and Rules category - Process landing page
