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C-1921Your applications can connect to J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA)-compliant resource adapters that support the Common Client Interface (CCI) of the JCA specification. B-15186 form name

JCA implements a mechanism for accessing legacy systems — called back-end enterprise information systems (EIS) — from Java or J2EE applications. A JCA resource adapter plugs into the J2EE application server and connects applications to a specific EIS. A JCA resource adapter data instance defines the properties of a single resource adapter that is deployed in the same application server that hosts Process Commander.

NoteYou can deploy the JCA resource adapter in either a managed environment (deployed in a J2EE application server) or a non-managed environment (deployed in a non-J2EE Web application server).

Before you begin

Before creating a resource adapter data instance, verify that the resource adapter is deployed:

Referenced by

A JCA connector rule uses the information in a JCA resource adapter instance when connecting to a resource adapter to send a request to an Enterprise Information System at runtime. See About Connect JCA Rules.


To review or create JCA Resource Adapter data instances, use the Rules Explorer, or


The Data-Admin-Connect-JCAAdapter class contains JCA resource adapter data instances. B-14752 This class is part of the Integration-Resources category.

Integration-Resources category
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