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Completing the Environment tab

About MQ Server data instances

Use the Environment tab to specify how Process Commander connects to a WebSphere MQ server. SR-7512 ENH-395 CCSID



Host Name

Enter the network name of the WebSphere MQ server host.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyHostName. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

Port Number

Enter a TCP/IP port for communicating with the WebSphere MQ server.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyPortNumber. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.


Enter the channel name on the WebSphere MQ server.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyChannelName. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

User ID

Optional. Identify an MQ user ID that Process Commander can use to connect to the WebSphere MQ server. B-18143 not Operator ID

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyUserID. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.


Optional. Enter a password for connecting to the WebSphere MQ server.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyPassword. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

MQ bindings transport

Select if Process Commander is to use MQ bindings transport to connect to the WebSphere MQ server. B-18874 overwritten v32 BUG-2960

On Windows-based servers, this setting requires the IBM-provided file mqjbnd05.dll be present and included on the system classpath. B-20577

 Test Connectivity  

B-15788 After you complete this form and save the data instance, click to confirm that Process Commander can connect to the MQ server. B-17693

C-1704The system attempts to connect to the server only; no messages are processed. The system presents test results in a separate window, identifying the parameters used in the test, the steps attempted, and the outcome of each step.

MQ Explore

Click this button to display the MQ Queue Details in a separate window.

In the MQ Explorer, choose a Queue Manager and Queue Name using the SmartPrompt. The Destination field is automatically populated. Click the Browse Messages button to view all messages in the queue. GRP-316

If your system's production level is both lower than 5, and you have the proper Role/Privilege, you can:

  • To add messages to the queue, click Put Messages and fill out the corresponding form.
  • To remove messages from the queue, click Remove Messages.
For an example, see Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-25644 How to debug MQ connectors using BROWSE, PUT and GET message operations.

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