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Changes to table mappings

CautionWork with a database administrator to coordinate all changes, create new databases, move data, or change database schemas. Changes to Database Table instances do not alter the database or its schema.

If you update a Database Table data instance to map an existing table that contains rows to a different class, first move the data from the original table to another table (at a time when Process Commander is not running). Otherwise, rows from the objects in the new class may overwrite the existing rows.

Automatic creation of tables for class groups (work pools)

In a development system (where the production level is 1 or 2), the Application Accelerator and Application Express tool creates, for each work pool, a new database table (similar in structure to the default table for work objects pc_work) and also creates the Database Table data instance that references the new table.The new table is named pc_work_classgroup, where classgroup is the name of the class group.

If this capabilities is not desirable, update the prconfig.xml file, setting the database/AutoDBSchemaChanges value to "false". V6.1SP1

Testing table mappings

Click the  Test Connectivity   button on the Basic tab of a Class form for any concrete class to determine which table and database that Process Commander uses for instances of that class. This button works for both internal classes — classes mapped to the PegaRULES database — and external classes created by the Connector and Metadata wizard. C-1854

To obtain a current record count for a table (identifying Rule-Obj-Class names):

  1. Select> System > Tools > System Management App to start the System Management application. BYRNB 2/25/10
  2. Select a node. Select Advanced > Database Table Information.
  3. Select a radio button corresponding to the table. Click  List Record Count .

Viewing the initial and current schema

Consult the schema documentation — an HTML file on the Process Commander installation media — for information on the database schema as it was when your system was installed. To see the current structure and columns of each table, use the Modify Database Schema wizard.

Updating Process Commander after schema changes

If a database administrator directly updates a PegaRULES database table while the system is running, you do not need to stop and restart the servers. Open and resave the affected database table data instances to cause users to access the modified table schema. CLINB clinic 5/29/07 (Resaving is not necessary when you use the Modify Database Schema wizard to modify the database table schema.)

If your system uses a reports database, be sure to repeat any schema updates made to the PegaRULES database to the affected tables of the reports database.

Definitions class, class group, database table, reports database, schema, view
Related topics About Class rules
About Class Group data instances

About Database data instances

About the Modify Database Schema wizard
Working with the PegaRULES database
Standard rules Atlas — Initial Database Tables

UpAbout Database Table data instances