<body background="../../shared/sixonesp2.gif""> <h6><img src="../../backarrow2.gif" alt="Back" align= "absmiddle" onclick="javascript:parent.history.back();" /><img src= "../../forwardarrow2.gif" alt="Forward" align= "absmiddle" onclick="javascript:parent.history.forward();" /> Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX)</h6> <div class="INNER"> <p>The optional <b>Business Intelligence Exchange</b> product extracts data from your Process Commander applications and exports it in a format suitable for use in popular business intelligence applications, such as data warehouses. High-performance, multi-threaded extraction operations operate independently of Process Commander, and can occur even when Process Commander is not running.</p> <p>BIX provides the extract functions of an ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) utility, and can provide some portion of the transformation functions.</p> <p>This capability is provided by the <cite>Pega-BIX</cite> RuleSet, which supports extract rules (<cite>Rule-Admin-Extract</cite> rule type). <tt>5.5 GRP-446</tt> Although part of Process Commander V5.5 and later, a V5.5 system using BIX can extract data from a "foreign" PegaRULES database that supports a V5.1 (or later) Process Commander system.</p> <p>For more information on this capability, see <img src= "../../shared/pdn.gif" alt="PDN" width="16" height="16" align= "absmiddle" /> Pega Developer Network article PRKB-25663 <i>About the Business Intelligence Exchange product</i>.</p> <p>BIX is one of four products in the Federated Business Frameworks, introduced with V5.5. BIX requires Process Commander V5.4SP3 or later.</p> <table width="100%" border="0" class="tablegray"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="3%"><img src="../../shared/definition3.gif" alt= "Related topics" width="13" height="16" /></td> <td><a href="../../rule-/rule-admin-/rule-admin-extract/main.htm">About Extract rules</a><br/><a href="../f/fbf.htm">Federated Business Frameworks</a></td> </tr> </table> <p class="dictseealso"><a href="../indexb.htm" class="small"><img src= "../../navdropup.gif" class="inline" alt= "Up" />Definitions — B</a></p> </div> </body> </html>