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The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is an emerging industry standard for achieving a degree of interoperability among business rules engines. The original specification, known as BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services), was published in August 2002. C-1290

See and WWW for more information on this specification, sometimes called WS-BPEL.

Process Commander supports both connectors and services for BPEL. These operate in conjunction with SOAP connectors and services to interconnect a flow with an external business process.

C-2195 You can convert an XML file representing a BPEL process rule into a similar flow rule automatically using the rule harvest wizard. See About the Rule from File wizard.

Conversely, you can create a BPEL representation of a flow rule directly from the Design tab of the Flow form. See Flow rules — Completing the Design tab.

Related topics About Connect BPEL rules
About Service BPEL rules

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