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A manager dashboard is a computer-generated display that presents current or recent operational information about the state of a business operation or task, also known as key performance indicators.

The standard WorkManager portal rule supports a Dashboard workspace containing displays (gadgets) appropriate to the needs of managers. The standard HTML rule Data-Gadget.IChartsDashboard presents four interactive charts in this space.

You can customize the gadgets that appear in the manager dashboard. For an example, see the Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-24158 How to add a chart to the WorkManager portal.

OldIn versions before 5.2, the standard HTML rule Data-Gadget.GraphsforWorkMonitoring present the same four charts as static images. This gadget remains available in 5.2.

definitions business activity monitoring, gadget, interactive chart, key performance indicators, workspace
related topics About Portal rules
WorkManager portal — Using the Dashboard
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