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The Index- base class is an abstract class that is the ancestor of other concrete classes that define indexes, sometimes called secondary or alternate keys, that are stored in the PegaRULES database.

These alternate keys are used by the system to speed searches and provide sorted lists. They help users find instances such as work objects when the external key is not known but some other fact or property is known.

For example, the Index-WorkPartyUri class — a standard concrete class derived from the Index- base class — associates a work party (for example a customer, supplier, or employee) with a work party role.

These indexes are similar in purpose to indexes defined directly in the database by your Oracle or SQL Server database administrator. They promote faster searching and access to database records.

For concrete classes derived from the Index- base class, the key consists of three properties pxInsIndexedKey, pxIndexCount, and pxIndexPurpose, in that order. These must be exposed columns in the corresponding table in the PegaRULES database. OSMAE 11/21/08 MAYEDA 11/1/07

03-02 Create Declare Index rules (Rule-Declare-Index rule type) to define which indexes Process Commander maintains. (As an alternative to completing the rule form, you can use the Declarative Index wizard in many cases to create the rule, properties, and other required instances.) Proj-840


The system does not validate pages with a class derived from the Index- base class before saving them.

Do not use Property-Set or Obj-Save methods on instances in a class derived from the Index- base class. Use only Declare Index rules to change these properties and instances.

R-6268 When initially installed, the system stores index instances in one of five database tables. The names of these tables start with pr_index. The Declarative Index wizard creates additional classes, with named ending in -idx.

The standard activity Code-.RecreateIndexesForClass rebuilds indexes for all the instances of a single concrete class, identified for a parameter. (It does not remove existing dangling instances, those that reference a deleted or renamed object.) The standard activity Code-.RecreateIndexesforInstance rebuilds indexes for one instance. GENTJ 8/24/06

Definitions abstract class, base class, index
Related topics About Declare Index rules
About the Declarative Index wizard
How to set up an index

Working with the PegaRULES database — Index- tables
Standard rules Atlas — Standard classes derived from the Index- base class

Up Definitions — I