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Interactive charts allow chart users to grow or shrink the level of detail presented in a chart using a slider control. C-2599

Interacting with the charts

Drag the slider control (Slider) to adjust which categories are visible. Click the Maximize button (Maximize) to present the chart in a larger, full-screen window. Click the Show Data button (Show Data) to view the output as numeric data.

FlashTo view and work with an interactive chart, users workstations must have the Flash Player 10 browser plug-in from Adobe Systems Inc. This is available as a small free download available


To develop an interactive chart:

V5 Examples

The Dashboard workspace of the WorkManager portal contains four interactive charts that you can examine. Several standard summary view reports which apply to the Work- and Assign- base classes present interactive charts. Most follow a naming convention that the last two characters of the Purpose key part is "IC". Review these interactive charts to understand the capability.

Three standard interactive column charts summarize system usage, as captured by the License Compliance facility:


Using two interactive charts (each defined by a summary view rule), a list view rule, and an XML Stream rule, your application can present interactive drill-down charts. C-2600

Internally, interactive charts use the Adobe Flex 2 ™ framework with MXML, the Flex markup language, and Flash technology.

Definitions area chart, bar chart, bubble chart, column chart, dashboard, Flash Player, gauge chart, line chart, pie chart
Related topics Report Definition rules — Completing the Chart Definition tab
Summary View form — Completing the Chart tab
How to set up Internet Explorer 7
How to set up Internet Explorer 8
WorkManager portal — Using the Dashboard
License Compliance facility — Reports and charts

UpDefinitions — I