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A Process Commander method — as distinct from a Java method — is a primitive, atomic operation that can be performed by one step of an activity (Rule-Obj-Activity rule type) or a Parse Structured rule (Rule-Parse-Structured rule type).

For example:

Many methods require a page as a parameter and may have other input parameters. Most methods update a few properties and return a status property (pxMethodStatus, on the pxThread page) that can be tested before the activity continues onto the next step.

Internally, a method is an instance of the Rule-Method rule type. You can review, but not alter or add methods.

OldIn Process Commander releases before Version 03-02, methods were called activity methods, to emphasize that these are different from Java methods.

Definitions activity, instruction
Related topics About Activity rules
About Parse Structured rules
Methods by name
Methods by function

UpDefinitions — M