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PegaSample (Sample Work)

The PegaSample sample application — built completely from standard rules — lets you view and study basic Process Commander elements without creating new rules.

To access the sample application, enter PegaSample as a Work Pool in your access group. Log off and log in again to utilize the updated access group. Confirm that Sample Work appears as the work pool name.

Flow ExplorerThis application includes five work types — three basic types (Scanned Document, Simple Task and General Task) organized into covers (Customer Request work type) and folders (Process Folder work type).

The application includes five starter flows and three subflows. You can enter, transfer, and resolve work objects of these types to learn about work object forms, the Process Work workspace, and the Monitor Activity workspace.

To learn about rules and application design, you can review the following objects that support this application (if permitted by your access role):

You cannot alter the sample application directly, as the rules that define it are contained in locked RuleSets. As permitted by your access rule, you can copy the standard rules and alter your copy.

Definitions attachment category, cover, entry, folder, resolution, starter flow, subflow, work object, work pool name, work type
Related topics User portal basics — Using the Process Work workspace
WorkManager portal — Working in the Monitor Activity workspace
Standard rules Atlas —   Standard classes derived from the Work- base class

Up Definitions — S