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One of eleven property modes, a property of mode Single Value has as its value a single text string of zero or more characters, with no limit on length.

Of all the property modes, Single Value properties are most heavily used, because:

Single Value mode properties have a Type such as Text, Password, Identifier, Date, and so on. Text type properties can contain newline characters, tab characters, and other control characters without restriction.

On the Explorer display of properties, the icon identifies a Single Value property.

Process Commander uses the UNICODE UTF-8 and UTF-16 character sets for property values. EURO character is UTF-8 SR-6471

NoteThe standard property Rule-Obj-Property.pyPropertyMode holds the mode of a property rule. The internal value of this property for a Single Value property is String, not Single Value.

Note Single Value property values correspond to objects of the Java.lang.String class.

Definitions property mode, type, Value List, Value Group
Related topics About Property rules

UpDefinitions — S