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A use case represents a small processing unit performed by one or more actors DCO 5.5 for a given work type within an application. A single use case implementation may correspond to an entire flow, a single flow action, a screen flow, an activity with the May Start? option enabled or the New harness of a flow.

Typically, use cases are entered in an Application Profile, created by the Application Accelerator, and made available for update as instances of Rule-Application-UseCase rules as a project evolves.

They also are referenced in application, flow, activity and flow action rules.

See the PDNPega Developer Network article PRKB-26123 Working with Use Cases and others listed under the Implementation Methodology knowledge category for more information.

Definitions atomic use case, actor, Direct Capture of Objectives, Application Profile, Application Accelerator, use case matrix
Related topics About Application Use Case rules
About Application rules
About Flow rules

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