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At times following installation or migration of a RuleSet or product ZIP file, it may be desirable to mirror or "clone" a class structure.

For example, two similar but separate companies Delta and Omega can use one application in the MORTGAGE RuleSet. The MORTGAGE application includes several work types, each a class belonging to a single class group (say Mortgage).

Both Delta and Omega will use the same rules but apply the rules to distinct work types belonging to two distinct class groups (work pools). Users at each company can create work objects identified as W-1234, and reports for each company will include only work objects, assignments, and other data for that company.

The classes needed are similar to these:

and so on.

To support such situations, the Direct Inheritance wizard creates a new set of classes (one of which corresponds to a class group) that match the classes below a specified class. Through directed inheritance, the new classes inherit rules from those in the MORTGAGE RuleSet.


Select Pega button> Data Model >Tools > Clone Class groupBYRNB 2/23/10 to start the Direct Inheritance wizard.

1. Complete the first form with the following information:

2. Click  Next  . Complete the second form:

3. Click  Next   to start replication. The final form identifies the classes, Database Table, and class group that were created.

Definitions class group, directed inheritance, work pool, work type
Standard rules Atlas — Initial class group data instances

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