Back ForwardHow to prevent display of traceback details

By default to facilitate debugging, Process Commander allows an interactive user to view Java traceback details from a link in the exception form.Java Exception

In production systems, this display is not meaningful to users and discloses internal details that in some situations could be considered a security risk.

Optionally, you can suppress this display using the following prconfig Dynamic System Setting:

Dynamic System Setting: prconfig/initialization/displayexceptiontraceback/default

The prconfig/initialization/displayexceptiontraceback/default setting determines if traceback details are displayed in an exception form.

Changing this setting does not affect the logging of traceback details in the Pega logs.SOLOM v 20090220 clinic

The following values are valid for this Dynamic System Setting:



true Traceback details appear in displayed exception forms. (Default)
false Traceback details appear in displayed exception forms.

CautionChange this setting with care. Prconfig Dynamic System Settings can have broad impact on the operation of your system. See How to create or update a prconfig setting.


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