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Methods and instructions by function

Use this instruction to start a new flow execution of a known flow rule. BUG-94

NoteTo start and complete an additional flow execution for a work object already open, call the standard activity Work-.StartNewFlow in your activity rather than this method. This activity locks the work object, adds and runs the identified flow completely, and then commits changes. TURBT MARIK 10/6/05

NoteTo start an additional flow execution for a work object that is already locked, call the standard activity Work-.StartFlow in your activity rather than this method. This adds a flow execution but does not commit. from TURBT MARIK 10/6/05


Type Flow-New in the Method field, followed by one space and a flow type (the second key part of a Rule-Obj-Flow rule) as a literal constant. Cannot use a property reference here per MARIK 10/7/05

Usually, this instruction associates the primary page of the activity with the flow instance, and the Step Page field is left blank.

If the Step Page field is not blank, it may contain a reference to a top-level clipboard page, HOPPK 6/14/05or a reference to an embedded page of the work object, such as embedded page .pyWorkParty(zzz). The latter is known as an interest page. BYRNB 5/1/02 vague

This instruction has no other parameters.


This instruction can lead to the creation of one or more new work objects, assignments, or other objects on the clipboard. It also performs the equivalent of the Obj-Save method on these objects, but not a Commit method.

CautionWhen you create a custom activity that uses the Flow-New method, make sure that the Commit method occurs at the appropriate time in the activity (or in a later activity) so the new work object, assignment, and other objects are saved. PRKB-8930

Checking the method status

This instruction updates the pxMethodStatus property. See How to test method results using a transition.

Definitions flow, interest page

UpMethods and instructions by function