Back Forward Page-Copy method

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Use this method to copy the contents of a source clipboard page to a new or previously created destination clipboard page. The source page is not altered. BUG-2802 BUG-15142 BUG-15417

After this method completes, the destination page contains properties copied from the source page, and can contain additional properties from a model.


This method has four parameters:




Optional. Enter the name of the source page from which to obtain property values to copy. If blank, the system uses the Step Page of the current step, or the primary page of the activity if the Step Page field is blank. OSMAE SenthurK 3/2/07B-21372 SR-5365 B-22490 B-24701 BUG-2087


Enter the name of the destination page, which may or may not already exist. If it exists, it must have the same class as the source page. The current contents of the destination page are erased before the copy operation occurs. B-20001 ok to copy to self SR-1482 B-17085 BUG-1235B-24701 BUG-2087

Choose a valid page name. See Understanding page names and reserved pages.

To create a destination page that is a new, last page in a Page List, identify a fully qualified Page List property name and use the <APPEND> keyword as the index.


Optional. Identify a model to be applied to the destination page before copying data from the source page.


Optional. To save the name of the new page as the final element in a list, identify a Value List property (not a Page List property). Use the notation pagename.propertyname.

The system appends the name of the new page as the value of the last element of the Value List property. TURBT 11/20/02


The Page-Copy method works as follows:

  1. If the source page cannot be found, the method does not fail. It does not alter any pages. The resulting method status value is Good.
  2. If the destination page (identified in the CopyInto parameter value) does not already exist, the system creates a blank page of the same class as the source page. It can be a top-level page or an embedded page.
  3. If the destination page does exist (and is of the same class as the source page), it is cleared. OLSOK ERNSG 1/18/06
  4. If the Model parameter is not blank, the system finds the model using rule resolution. It applies the model to the destination page.
  5. Next, the system copies properties and all messages B-24106 from the source page into the destination page. This copying can create new properties on the destination page or update the value of existing properties created by the model.
  6. During this copy processing, each property is validated against its definition (its Rule-Obj-Property instance). If a property value fails validation, the system adds a message to the destination page.
  7. If a Value List property is identified in the fourth parameter, the system adds the name of the new page as the final element in the list.

CautionPage names are unique within the clipboard. If an existing page with the CopyInto destination name is already present at the same point in the clipboard structure, the system deletes it and replaces it with an empty page.

Checking the method status

This method updates the pxMethodStatus property. See How to test method results using a transition.

UpMethods and instructions by function