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Purpose proj-831

Application Use Case rules are part of the suite of application development tools used for the Direct Capture of Objectives (DCO).

Typically, use cases are defined in an Application Profile and created by the Application Accelerator Proj-184. To maximize the potential for reuse, they are defined as atomic use cases. As a project evolves, you can add new or update existing use cases. For more information, see PDNPega Developer Network article PRKB-26123 Working with Application Use Cases.

Where Referenced

Application use case rules are referenced in the following places:


Use the Rules Explorer to list all use case rules available to you.


To add new instances of a use case, an application and corresponding work type for that application must exist.


Application Use Case rules are part of the Application Definition category. An Application Use Case rule is an instance of the Rule-Application-UseCase class.

Standard rules Atlas   — Standard Application Use Case rules

Application Definition category
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