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Completing the Advanced tab

About Application rules

Use the Advanced tab to restrict changes to this rule and to control where file attachments are saved.

Many fields that appear on this tab depend on whether the checkboxes in the Publish, Project Management, and Compatibility sections are selected.



Prevent others from changing this definition?

Select this checkbox if you want to prevent edits to this rule's field values and enter a password in the Enter Password and Confirm Password fields. The password protection takes effect when you save the rule. A protected rule cannot be deleted or copied.

You can also lock and unlock the rule using the Edit, Edit and Save buttons in the Advanced Options gadget on the Application Overview landing page. See Application Overview landing page.

The fields and SmartPrompts in a protected rule are enabled. However, you cannot save your changes. When you attempt to save, a warning message states that you must supply a password.

Supply Password

This field appears if the rule is protected. To disable protection, clear the checkbox and enter the password. The rule becomes unprotected when you save it. Edits you made in a protected rule are saved.

Enter Password

If you have selected the Prevent others from changing this definition? checkbox, type the password you want to assign to this application rule. This field appears only when the checkbox is selected.

Confirm Password

Retype the password to verify your entry. This field appears only when the checkbox is selected. Save the rule to enable protection.

Enable Project Management

Select to make Project Management features visible for developers using this application. See About the Project Explorer and Project Management interface and Pega Developer NetworkPDN article About the Project Management Framework.

laplm 6.1.2 update

If selected, operators using this application see the Project ExplorerProject Explorer icon in the Designer Studio explorer panel, and specialized New, Save As, and Check In dialogs that include a Project Management section.

Optionally, click the Declare ProjectMgmt link to open the Declare Pages rule named Declare_ProjectMgmt. You can modify this rule to customize the Project Management features.

When you install the Project Management Framework, the values in this rule are preset for you and do not need to be changed. If you are using another external project management tracking system you can, for example, modify the standard Data-Project-Task.GetTaskList load activity to change the default properties used to identify tasks assigned to rules, or override the activity entirely to link the development process of this application to that system.

Place properties on thread page only (5.4 or later)

Old releaseThis setting determines where the system maintains certain application property information. 5.4 Laplm By default, this setting is enabled for application rules created in V5.4 or later, and disabled for application rules created in V5.3 or earlier. Task-16923 MIRAT 12/09/2009 OK

When checked, at runtime the system looks at the Thread level (pxThread page) for the current values of certain system-maintained properties, that in V5.3 and earlier were maintained only on the pxRequestor page. For a partial list, see Atlas — Standard properties in the pxThread page (Code-Pega-Thread class).

When blank, for backwards compatibility, the properties are maintained on both the pxRequestor page and one pxThread page. However, only the pxRequestor values are accurate; the system looks at the requestor level (pxRequestor page). Consult the Upgrade Guide V5.4 for more information.

In most cases, accept the default. Clear this box for RuleSets created in V5.3 or earlier where development is complete (and all RuleSet versions are locked) and you want to execute the rules in the RuleSet in V5.3 compatibility mode as far as the location of these properties.


Optional. Click Select Organizational Unit to record the organization, division, and unit of the application owner.5.4 laplm In the pop-up window, select an organization, division, and unit.

Main Class

SmartPrompt Optional. Leave blank in most cases. For a Pegasystems solution framework, this field can identify a container class for the work pool. The Application Accelerator uses this field to identify solution frameworks. Click the pencil icon (Pencil) to open a class rule. C-2036

Associated RuleSet

SmartPromptSelect a RuleSet for this application rule. This value causes this application rule to be included when the Export gadget exports the RuleSet. This value does not affect rule resolution of this rule.

Ordinarily, select a RuleSet that is among those listed in the Application RuleSets on the Definitions tab.

Override RuleSets (Special Purpose)

Optional. ArrayMost application rules do not include override RuleSet Versions.

Complete a row of this array for each override RuleSet version, or an initial portion of an override RuleSet version.

When assembling the RuleSet list at sign-on, the system works from the top of this list down. RuleSet versions appear in the following order, in two layers.

  • Override RuleSets if any form the top layer. During rule resolution, this layer is searched first.
  • The operator's private RuleSet, containing rules the operator has checked out, comprises the top of the second layer. (This RuleSet is not mentioned on the Application rule form. Operators have a private RuleSet only if the Allow Rule Check Out? checkbox (on the Security tab of their Operator ID data instance) is checked and the RuleSet also uses checkout.
  • Application RuleSets form the next lower group in the second layer.
  • Component and shared RuleSets, if any, form the next group of the second layer.
  • Standard RuleSets provided by Pegasystems, that start with the five-character prefix "Pega-" (not the four-character prefix "Pega"), always appear at the bottom of the second layer.

Content Management

Optional. Use these fields to configure your application to store work object attachments in an external content management system. XXXXXX For more information about enterprise content management configuration, see PRKB-26269 How to integrate your application with a content management system. V6.1SP2. These fields appear only for applications that include the optional Pega-Content RuleSet.

NoteAttachments saved in an external CMIS cannot be crawled or retrieved by Process Commander's full text search facilities. KIRCD 9/13/10



Enable Content Management for Attachments

Select this checkbox to enable content management system integration for this application.

Once enabled, you will continue to have access to work object attachments currently stored in the PegaRULES database. New work object attachments will be stored in the content management system.

Connector Class

SmartPromptSpecify the Applies To class in which the CMIS Connect rule is located.

Connector Name

SmartPromptSelect the Connect CMIS rule used to connect to the external CMS system. If the Connect CMIS rule has not been created, click the pencil icon (Pencil) to create a new rule in the class specified in the Connector Class field.

CMIS Folder

Click Browse to select the directory location on the content management system in which to store work object attachments for this application.

Up About application rules