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About Constraints rules

Create a constraints rule by selecting Constraints from the Decision category.

A constraints rule has two key parts:



Applies To

SmartPromptSelect a class for this rule. At runtime, a clipboard page of this class must be a top-level page. The properties to be constrained may be in this class (or in the class of an embedded page).

You cannot use a Rule-Declare-* class or any ancestor of the Rule-Declare- class (including @baseclass) here. R-8041 7/03 B-1076 You cannot use a class derived from the Code- or Embed- class here.


Enter a name for this constraint, unique within the Applies To class. Begin the name with a letter and use only alphanumeric, ampersand, and dash characters.

No other rules explicitly reference this Purpose value. However, because of normal class inheritance, a constraints rule named MaximumLimit at one level in the class structure may override (and so prevent execution of) a constraints rule named MaximumLimit at a higher level in the class structure.

For general information on the New form, see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information on the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Rule resolution

FFTT When searching for constraints rules, the system:

. R-6515 R-6513 STEWS 11/16/02 CLINB 7/7/03

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