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Working with the Test Cases tab

About Decision Table rules

This tab is visible only to operators who have the AutomatedTesting privilege through an access role.

Use the Test Cases tab to work with test cases for this decision table rule. You can record new test cases, play back saved test cases, view previously saved test case results, and request a report that alerts you to test cases that might need to be updated or re-recorded.



Record New Test Case

Click to record a new test case for this decision table rule. After the Run Rule window opens, unit test the rule in the Run Rule window, and then save that run as a test case. See How to Unit Test a Decision Table Rule for more information.

Invalid Test Cases

Click to get a report of any test cases saved for this decision table rule that might need to be updated or re-recorded. If rules have changed, test cases that were recorded prior to the changes might not return the expected results. Examine the Invalid Test Cases report to see which test cases are affected.

When you click this button, the Invalid Test Cases window opens, and you can choose to run the report immediately or to run as a background process and have the results emailed to you. If you run the report immediately, the Test Case window opens and displays the list of test cases.


Click to update the list of saved test cases displayed on this tab.

If any test cases are saved for this decision table rule, they are listed in the table in the center of this tab. You can run an individual test case by selecting its name. If a test case has saved results, you can view those results by selecting View Results.



Name Name of the previously recorded and saved test case. To play back that test case, click its name in this list. The Run Rule window opens and runs that test case.
Created By Operator who created the saved test case.
Created On When the saved test case was created.
Last Run On When the saved test case was last run.
Status of Last Run The test case's status from the last time it was run.
Saved Results Indicates whether there are any previously saved results for that test case. If a test case has results saved, you can click View Results to open a window that displays the previously saved results. Saved results exist if some differences in the results were found the last time the test case was run, and the choice was made at that time to save those differences in the test case.
Related topics About Automated Unit Testing
About Test Case rules
standard rule Atlas — Standard privileges

Up About Decision Table rules