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Completing the Control tab

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By default, this tab appears when you open an auto-generated control rule or open a New rule. When you clear the Auto-Generated? checkbox on the HTML tab, the Parameters tab replaces the Control tab. This tab offers an array of parameter settings that govern how the auto-generated control appears to the user and the actions the user can perform. The settings enable you to format editable and read-only values and pick from a set of pre-configured actions.


Tip Process Commander includes a set of standard auto-generated control rules. See Standard auto-generated control rules. As a best practice, use these controls in new development. Auto-generated control rules provide these benefits:

Customizing a control rule in a section

Auto-generated control rules and their settings are optimized for most interfaces. If necessary, edit the settings within the section, flow action, or harness you are working.

To customize an auto-generated control rule:

  1. Open the section or harness that contains the rule.
  2. Select the cell that holds the rule and open its Cell Properties panel.
  3. In the panel, select the magnifying glass icon () next to the Control field. The control rule Parameters dialog appears, which displays most of the settings in the underlying rule's Control tab. You cannot edit the Control Modes or UI Element settings.
  4. Make your modifications. To immediately render your changes, click OK in the dialog. If satisfactory, save the section. The system generates the XML representing your edits and stores it in the section.

If you wish to modify an auto-generated control rule and reuse it in a number of section rules, make a copy into your RuleSet and change the Stream Name key part. Keep the original Control Modes and UI Element settings. As a best practice, do use an auto-generated rule to build an entirely new control.

When you update a setting in the Parameters dialog, updates to the same setting in the rule form will no longer be applied to the custom control. For example, if the Expand Options setting in the rule is Collapsed With Icon and you customize the control's Parameter dialog setting to Expanded With Icon, updating the rule setting to No Scrollbar does not change the custom parameter.

However, any customization you make to the control in the section is maintained even if the control rule is later changed. Parameters that are not customized apply to all of the instances. For instance, if you had not customized the Expand Options setting, your rule update is reflected in the control's Parameter dialog.

If you want to revert to the control rule's configuration, clear the customized instance and re-add the rule.

 Control tab settings

These settings determine the read-only and edit-mode presentation and behavior of the control rule.

The default settings in standard auto-generated control rules represent how they will likely be used in your interface design.



Control Modes Before you begin editing the rule, use the radio buttons to filter the initial array of options and parameters in the form. Select one of the following:
  • Editable/Read-only if you want to configure the associated property for both edit and read-only modes. The options appear in the Basics, Format, Options, and Behaviors areas under Editable and Read-Only column headings.
  • Read-Only if you want to configure the associated property for display only. The Editable column does not appear.
  • Action to set the UI Element to Button, Icon, or Link. Only one column of settings appears, which applies to both editable and read-only control modes as defined in other parameter settings in this form.

The Control Modes field does not appear in the Parameters dialog when customizing the control in a section.


Use this area to specify the control or category of property type used with the control.



UI Element For Editable/Read Only and Action control modes, select the type of control that appears on the layout. For Read-Only mode, select the type of presentation of the property value. Your selection filters the Format, Options, and Behaviors areas on this tab.



Date Picker Add a Calendar control. Appears when Control Mode is set to Editable/Read-Only. GRP-20961 & 23143 V6.2
Text Input Add a Text Input control. Appears when Control Mode is set to Editable/Read-Only.
Text Area Add a Text Area control, which can contain more than one line of text. Spellchecking is enabled by default. Appears when Control Mode is set to Editable/Read-Only.
Checkbox Add a Checkbox control. Edit mode. Display values of TrueFalse property type. Appears when Control Mode is set to Editable/Read-Only. GRP-23741 V6.2
Button Add a button (with a text label) that triggers an action when clicked. Appears when Control Mode is set to Action. You can include a picture next to the label. You can use the Branding Wizard to apply button styles. GRP-11797 button styles V6.2 pashm
Icon Add an icon that triggers an action when clicked or hovered on. Appears when Control Mode is set to Action. You can use standard icons or create custom ones. Available actions are the same as the Button control.. GRP-24417 V6.2
Link Add a text link that triggers an action when clicked or hovered on. Appears when Control Mode is set to Action. You can include a picture next to the label. You can use the Branding Wizard to apply link styles. Available actions are the same as the Button control.GRP-16579 V6.2
Text Display values of property types that include text, number, boolean, and date/time. Appears when Control Mode set to Read-Only.
Hidden Conceal values associated with this property. Appears when Control Mode is set to Read-Only. Use this element when you want to include a property value that is submitted but is not visible to the user.

You cannot edit the UI Element field in the Parameters dialog.

Value Select a single-value property or text string that contains the value you want to associate with the control. This option does not appear in Action control mode. Select one of the following:



Value of associated property Uses the property or field value entered in the Properties field in the control's Cell Properties panel (located in the section).

In edit mode, this setting is the default and cannot be changed.

Value of a different property A single-value property or field other than the one in the Properties field. You can reference properties on any page identified on the Pages & Classes tab, using the normal notation pagename.propertyname for pages other than the page corresponding to the Applies To class of the rule.

Read-only mode.

Constant A text string.

If the Localize? checkbox is selected on the section rule's HTML tab, a SmartPromptSmartPrompt appears in the Constant field in the Parameters dialog. Select a field value rule if you plan to localize the text. If this text is to be localized enter no more than 64 characters. A field value rule with pyCaption as the second key part and this text as the final key part is needed for each locale.

Read-only mode.

When a property is computed through a Declare Expression rule, the system presents the value as read only in the control's read-only format.V6.2 GRP-18478 pashm


Use this area to specify parameters for editiable and action control modes.



Specify SizeAppears when the UI Element is Text Input.



Auto Select if you want the layout to determine the width of the control area. Default.
CustomSelect if you want to specify a fixed value in the Width field.
Min/Max Chars Appears if the UI Element is Text Input.

Optional. Enter a value that determines the minimum and maximum number of characters that can be entered in the text field. You can designate either value as unlimited by leaving it blank.

Specify Width Appears if the UI Element is Text Area.



Auto Select if you want the layout to determine the width of the control area. Default.
CustomSelect if you want to specify fixed value in the Width field. You can override this setting in the layout.
Width Appears if the UI Element is Text Area or Text Input and you select Custom.

Enter a positive integer that is a pixel count, a percentage of the cell area, or a number of columns (Text Area only). In the pull-down list to the right of this field, select the unit of measure:

  • px — pixels.
  • % — percentage
  • columns — number of columns.
Specify Height Appears if the UI Element is Text Area.



AutoSelect if you want the layout to determine the height of the control area height. Default.
Size to ContentSelect if you want the the height to expand with the content. This selection also provides collapse options.
CustomSelect if you want to specify a fixed height. You can override this setting in the layout.
Height Appears when the Text Area Height is Custom.

Enter a positive integer that is a pixel count or number of rows. In the pull-down list to the right of this field, select the unit of measure.

Scrollbar Appears when the Text Area Height is Custom.

Select to display a scrollbar to the right of the area if the content exceeds the number of rows or pixels.

Min Height Appears when the Text Area Height is Size to Content.

Enter a positive integer that is a pixel count or number of rows. In the pull-down list to the right of this field, select the unit of measure.

Collapsible Appears when the Text Area Height is Size to Content.

Select one of the following:



NoThe text area is initially presented in expanded mode at a size determined by the Width and Height settings. The user cannot expand or collapse the text area.
Yes, Default ExpandedThe text area is initially presented in expanded mode at a size determined by the Width and Height settings. The user clicks the Collapse icon (Collapsed) to collapse the text area.
Yes, Default CollapsedThe text area is initially presented in display-only mode, with only the Min Height value visible. The user clicks the Expand icon (Collapsed) to expand the area.
Date/Time Appears when the UI Element is Date Picker. GRP-20961 & 23143 V6.2

Enables date and time selections in the Calendar control. Select one of the following:



Based on the associated property type, the system enables the appropriate date or time selections in the control as follows:
  • DateTime — Enables date and time selections. For example, in Dropdown Lists mode, six lists are displayed — one for each date and time value.
  • Date — Enables date selection only. For example, in Calendar mode, the time selection function does not appear in the pop-up calendar.
  • Time (TimeOfDay) — Enables time selection only. For example, in Dropdown Lists mode, three lists are displayed — one for each time value.
DateTime Enables date and time selections.
Date Enables date selections only..
Time Enables time selections only.
It is a best practice to use the non-auto options only with DateTime properties or dates stored as valid text strings. Using an option that is unsuitable for the property type may present an incorrect read value at run-time. For example, enabling the Date option for a TimeOfDay property will not display a result.
Display Mode Appears when the UI Element is Date Picker. GRP-20961 & 23143 V6.2

Determines the presentation of the control to the user. Select either:



Text Input + Calendar
Display a text field that contains a calendar icon. The user can click the icon to select the date and time values in a pop-up calendar. Alternatively, the user can enter a date as a text value by clicking inside the field.
Dropdown ListsDisplay an array of drop-down lists from which the user selects the day, month, year, hour, minute, and A.M./P.M. Locale settings determine the order of the drop-downs. Use this option if the interface is configured for accessibility.
Allow Text Entry Appears when the UI ELement is Date Picker and the Display Mode is Text Input + Calendar. GRP-20961 & 23143 V6.2

Click Yes (default) to enable the user to enter a text value in the field. Click No to prevent text entry.

Enable CalendarAppears when the UI ELement is Date Picker and the Display Mode is Dropdown Lists.GRP-20961 & 23143 V6.2

Click Yes to display a calendar icon with the drop-down lists in the field. This enables the user to use the lists or the pop-up calendar to pick dates and times. No is the default.

Number of Years Required. Appears when the UI ELement is Date Picker and the Display Mode is Dropdowns. GRP-20961 & 23143 V6.2

Enter a numerical value indicating the date range (in years) in the Year drop-down list. The list contains an equal number of years forward and backwards from the current year. For example, if the current year is 2011, a value of 10 displays a range of 2007 to 2016 . If the value is an odd number, the odd date is counted as a future year. For instance, a value of 11 displays a range of 2007 to 2017.

Label Appears when the UI Element is Button (optional), or Link.

Enter text or select a property or field value that contains brief text, which appears on the button or as a text link.

Configuring labels

As a best practice, start the text with a verb. Consider the collection of controls that appear at runtime collectively; provide each control with a clear and distinctive label. For example, Cancel order.

To allow users to execute an action using a shortcut key combination, include an ampersand character (&) immediately before a letter in the caption text. At runtime, users can press the ALT key and the letter key together to execute the activity. For example, enter &History as a caption text to allow users to access work object history with ALT + h. At runtime, the label appears with the shortcut key underscored, as in Visual Basic applications.

Hot KeyIf you use shortcut keys in your application, be careful to choose distinct letters for each control; for example, you can't have ALT + c as the label for both the Contents button and Close button. (To include an ampersand in a label as text, follow the ampersand by a space character.)

Advanced featureOptionally, if this control is within a cell of a section that includes parameter declarations on the section rule's Parameters tab, you can enter the notation param.NAME here, to use a parameter value for the button caption, where NAME identifies a string parameter. Make sure that the NAME parameter is declared on the Parameters tab, and that your application provides a non-blank value for the parameter value in all possible situations where the section appears. See Section rules — Completing the Parameter tab.


If the Localize? checkbox is selected on the section rule's HTML tab, a SmartPrompt SmartPrompt appears in the Label field in the Parameters dialog. Select a field value rule if you plan to localize the text. Choose the text carefully and limit text length to 64 characters. A field value rule with pyButtonLabel as the second key part and this text as the final key part is needed for each locale. When practical, choose a caption already included in a language pack, to simplify later localization. See About the Localization wizard.

Tooltip Optional. Appears when the Control Mode is Action.

Select a property value or enter a constant that contains a sentence or phrase identifying to users the purpose and function of the control.

TipAs a best practice, start the sentence with verb either in the imperative ("Enter price of item here") or as an infinitive ("To cancel the order, click here").

When UI Element is Icon, the system enters a default value here based upon the value selected in the Icon field.


If the Localize? checkbox is selected on the section rule's HTML tab, a SmartPromptSmartPrompt appears in the Label field in the Parameters dialog. Select a field value rule if you plan to localize the text.If this text is to be localized. enter no more than 64 characters. A field value rule with pyActionPrompt as the second key part and this text as the final key part is needed for each locale.

Format Appears when the UI Element is Button or Link. Select a standard format (Standard, Simple, Strong), which is defined in the Branding wizard on the Styles and Formats panel, Controls > Buttons or Links > Format field. See Branding wizard — Controls.

Alternatively, select Other to reference a custom format you created in the wizard. A blank field appears when you select this option. Enter the format name. GRP-11797 and GRP-24355 V6.2 pashm

PrivilegeSmartPrompt Optional. Appears when the Control Mode is Action.

Select the Privilege Name key part of a privilege rule that controls the availability of this control at runtime. During rule resolution at runtime, the system uses the Applies To key part of the current rule as the first key part.

If there is a privilege and a when rule (see Disabled field), both rules must evaluate to true for the button to be available to the user.

When Not Met Appears when you enter a privilege. Select Hide or Disable (the button) if the user fails the privilege rule.
Image (for Button or Link) Optional. Appears when the UI Element is Button or Link.

Insert an icon next to the label by clicking the magnifying glass icon (). This opens the Image Viewer. Select the binary file you wish to use.

If you use an image in the Button background as defined in the Branding wizard (the Standard format, for instance), this icon overlays it.

Disabled Optional. Appears when the Control Mode is Action.

Select Yes if you want to apply a when condition that tests whether the user can use the control. If selected, the following options appear:



Disabled ConditionSmartPrompt Enter an expression involving another property, or identify the When Name key part of a when condition rule. PROJ-283 Specify one of four outcomes, where true or blank means the button is disabled.
  • Leave blank to present the button as disabled always, regardless of the mode of the enclosing layout.
  • When condition rule evaluated once — Enter the When Name key part of a when condition rule that determines the mode of this button at runtime, where a true result means the button is disabled. The system uses the Applies To key part of the current rule in rule resolution to locate the when condition rule, and executes the when rule once as it renders the form. Click the pencil icon (Pencil) to review or create the when condition rule.
  • Expression evaluated once — Enter an expression that returns true or false. This expression can involve multiple properties, function calls, and other syntax as supported by the <pega:when> JSP tag.
  • Simple Java expression evaluated upon JavaScript events — To dynamically control the mode of this button with a JavaScript event, enter a simple comparison involving a target property and select the Run on Client? box. The result at runtime determines whether the button is disabled.
    For example, enter .Color =="Red" in this field to disable this button when the property Color has the value Red, and enabled otherwise. Depending on the state of the Run on Client? checkbox, the comparison executes only once as the form is initially displayed, or dynamically. See Implementing dynamic form actions and the Client Event Editor. C-1990
Run On Client Appears only if the Disabled Condition field contains a simple Java expression that can be evaluated by JavaScript code.
  • Select Yes to cause dynamic evaluation of the condition each time the value of any properties mentioned in the condition changes. (Mark the field containing that property as a Client Event.) See Implementing dynamic form actions and the Client Event Editor. C-199
  • Select No to cause the condition to execute only once, upon initial presentation of the form.
Icon Appears when UI Element is Icon. Select a standard icon from the drop-down list. By default, the Blank icon is selected when pxIcon is entered in the Control field on the Cell Properties dialog.

If you specify a standard pxIcon variation such as pxIconPrint or pxIconReview, the system selects a standard icon for that rule. For example, if the control rule is pxIconAddItem, the Add Item icon is selected. See Section, and Flow Action forms - Adding an Icon Control for icon descriptions.

To use a custom icon, select Other. V6.2 GRP-20247 pashm

Image (for Icon) Appears when you enter Other in the Icon field. Select the magnifying glass icon ( ) to open the Image Viewer. Select the binary file you wish to use. V6.2 GRP-20247 pashm

As a best practice, use sprites rather than individual images for Icon controls.

Position Appears when the file you select in the Image field is defined as a sprite on the Binary File rule form. See Binary File - Completing the Main tab.

The numbers in the drop-down reflect the number of columns in the sprite. Select the number you wish to use for this control's action. The value in the Tooltip field applies to this position.

For information about icon positions, hover the mouse pointer on the help icon next to this field ( ). V6.2 GRP-20247 pashm


Use this area to design the appearance of read-only text or an editable control. Action controls do not use formats.



Type Select a format (read-only) used with this property. Your selection filters the format options.



None The property is not formatted. There are no options.
Text Unedited text, which may contain spaces, tabs, line break characters, and other control characters.
Number Numeric properties on output.
Date/Time Date and time properties. See Understanding the Date, Time of Day, and DateTime property types.

Specify the format in the DateTime Format field.

True/False Boolean values.

Specify the format in the True Label and False Label fields.

Do not confuse format types with property types.

Obfuscated Appears if the Type is Text.

For read-only, select Yes if you want to display to the user the characters as a string of bullets.

For Editable (Text Input), select Yes if you want the characters entered by the user to appear as a string of bullets. The input characters are initially added to the clipboard as unencrypted, clear text values. The system computes the hashed value only as the page is committed to the PegaRULES database. Thereafter, the hashed value appears in both the clipboard and the database row.

Decimal Places Appears if the Type is Number.

A non-negative integer to control the number of digits presented after the decimal place.

Scale Appears if the Type is Number.

Select a label indicating the scaling you wish to apply to the number. The scales are K for thousands, M for millions, B for billions, and T for trillions. For instance, if you select Thousands, a value of 20,000 appears as "20 K." If Percentage, the value appears as a percentage sign (.8 appears as "80%").

Negative Format Appears if the Type is Number.

Select a format (minus sign or parenthesis) for displaying negative numbers.

You can also specify a CSS class if you select one of the Style Ref options. By default, the class name is NegativeNumber.

Symbol Appears if the Type is Number.

Select an option for representing the number as

  • Currency — Formats the number as a currency using the default locale.
  • Constant — A text string or character (for example, "%") ASCII character that you enter.
  • Reference — When a symbol is specified an additional character(s) is prepended to the value. Currency automatically uses the localized currency symbol, constant uses a string, and reference uses a property value.
Separators Appears if the Type is Number.

Select to use a thousands' separator. Depending upon the default locale, a comma or period is used.

Text Alignment Appears if the Type is Number.

Select left, right, or center alignment.

Auto Prepend

Auto Append
Appears if the Type is Text and the control is not obfuscated.

Select a property or field value that you want to add either before or after the displayed property value. For example, when the user name appears, the system can automatically append the full mail extension to the name or prepend the user's title.

DateTime Format Appears if the Type is Date/Time.

Select one of the following:

  • A DateTime format (for example: 1/1/01 1:00 AM). The formats are locale-specific, changing automatically based on the value set on each user's Windows workstation, or the locale of a user, as recorded in the Operator ID data instance.
  • The elapsed time format (2 days, 5 hours ago). The system displays the value calculated as the difference between the current system date/time and the date/time value of the property. The units of measure are minutes, hours, days, and years. If greater than 59 minutes, the value is represented in two units; for example: 1 hour, 10 minutes; 2 days, 20 hours; and 1 year, 3 months. If less than a minute, the value is displayed as "less than a minute ago (from now)." If the property is a Date type, minutes are excluded. GRP-18823 V6.2
2nd Number Cutoff Appears if DateTime Format is 2 days, 5 hours ago (elapsed time). GRP-18823 V6.2

Enter a numerical value for the first unit, which determines when the second unit is truncated in the display. When the first unit number reaches or exceeds this value, the second unit does not appear.

For instance, if you set the cutoff value to 5, here is how these dates and times would appear to the user:

1 hour, 45 minutes ago
2 hours, 45 minutes ago
3 hours, 45 minutes ago
4 hours, 45 minutes ago
5 hours
6 hours

Enter a value of 0 to always display a single unit.

True Label

False Label
Appears if the Type is True/False.

Enter a text string to label either outcome. Used with a boolean type.

If the Localize? checkbox is selected on the section rule's HTML tab, a SmartPromptSmartPrompt appears in the Constant field in the Parameters dialog. Select a field value rule if you plan to localize the text. If this text is to be localized. enter no more than 64 characters. A field value rule with pyCaption as the second key part and this text as the final key part is needed for each locale.


Three factors determine a control's behavior:

Buttons do not use behavior conditions. Use the Disabled or Privilege fields in the Options area to determine whether the button is available to specific users.

The Behaviors area contains grid layouts in the Editable and Read-Only columns. Each grid has three column heading labels — Event, Action, and a red condition icon (). If the behavior has condition, a red icon appears in the row; if not, a gray icon appears.

To define the control's behavior, click the add row icon . This opens the Behavior dialog, which contains a section for each of the above three factors. After you have completed the dialog, click OK to apply your edits and close the dialog. Your choices populate the grid row. Here is an example of a grid after you have defined two behaviors — one with a condition, the other without:

To edit a behavior, double-click the row to open the Behavior dialog. To delete a behavior, select it, and click the delete row icon ().

Using when conditions, you can combine behaviors for a single control. For example, a first behavior states that when the user focuses on the Input Area, the system sets the background color to red (defined in the Inline Style field) if the area is populated. A second behavior states that, for the same event, the system sets the background color to blue if the area is empty. The system executes the actions in the order they are listed on the grid. Use the row handles to rearrange them if necessary.

Defining behaviors in the Parameter dialog

When customizing a control in the Parameters dialog, you can add but cannot delete or modify behaviors defined in the underlying rule. The rule's behavior(s) appear in a top grid. A bottom grid enables you to add conditions, which you can delete or modify.

If you define more than one click event for a button control, the actions are executed from the top down as displayed in the grids; the inherited actions (the ones in the rule) execute first.

The Behavior dialog contains the following fields and options ( the system filters the options based upon the selected UI Element and Event):



Behavior Select to indicate what the user must do to invoke the action.



Hover Hover the mouse over an edit-mode control or read-only text.

Used with Text Input, Text Area, and Text controls.

Focus Select or click an edit-mode control.

Used with Text Area and Text Input controls.

Click Click a button.

Used with the Button control.

Action Click Select... to display an action menu organized into the following categories. When clicked, the button or text executes an activity, using parameter values determined in this tab or parameter values determined by a user input at runtime.
Process Work



Add New Work Adds a new work object using the primary page data. Saves the new work object on the deferred list.
Cancel Closes the current form without applying any changes.
Contents For a cover work object, changes the form to allow users to view and navigate among the member work objects. You can override a standard list view rule to control details of this display. See Understanding covers.
Enable Action Section Presents the work object form in review-only mode; inputs area allowed in the action section only.
Explore For a folder work object, changes the form to allow users to view and navigate among the associated work objects.
Finish Assignment Submits changes and marks this assignment as complete.
Review Presents the work object form or flow action form in review-only mode; no updates are allowed.
Save Saves the work object with Submit.
Show Flow Location Known as the Where-Am-I? icon, presents the current flow rule as Visio diagram, and marks the location of the current assignment with an arrow. Requires the Work-.Perform privilege.
Show Re-Open Screen Shows the form in review mode but allows users to reopen a resolved work object, if they hold the Work-.Reopen privilege. Runs the standard activity Work-.Reopen or an activity of that name in your application.
Update Redraws the form in update mode, for users who hold the Work-.Update privilege. This allows changes to previously input values that appear in sections other than the TAKE ACTION section presented by the flow action rule.

NoteThis capability is not desirable in all applications, as it allows users to overwrite values entered previously, perhaps by other users.

NoteThe  Apply   button on the update form sends changed user inputs to the server, but does not commit these changes. Users must select and complete a flow action to cause these changes to save. See Understanding transactions in flow executions.

View Attachments Presents a list of work object attachments, so users can view or add attachments. The button is visible only for users who hold the Work-.AccessAuditTrail privilege.
View History Displays the work object history, for users who hold the Work-.AccessAuditTrail privilege.
Get Work



Create Work Creates a new covered or non-covered work object. Called with a primary page that inherits from the Work- base class. Commits the new work object if there is no flow execution to start; if it starts a flow execution, the commit operation typically occurs when that flow execution creates an assignment.
Get Next Work Returns the next assignment for the operator to work on. This assignment can either come from the operator's worklist or from one of the workbaskets they have access to.
Open Assignment Open an assignment based upon its key value pxAssignmentKey. Enter the key of the assignment you wish to open.
Open Work by Handle Opens work based based upon the internal key that uniquely identifies the instance. Specify the handle of a work item, beginning with the class name.
Open Work Item Opens work based upon the work object ID. Specify the full ID of the work item.
Re-Open Work Item Reopens a resolved work object, for users who hold the Work-.Reopen privilege. Runs the standard activity Work-.Reopen or an activity of that name in your application.
Handle List Items
Use these actions in grid, tree grid, and tree layouts only.



Add Child Adds a child item beneath the selected row or branch or in a repeating grid or tree.
Add Item Adds (above or below) a row to a layout.
Delete Item Deletes a row in a layout.
Open Local Action Displays the flow action you specify.
  • SmartPrompt Flow Action — Select the flow action that will be invoked.
  • After Action — Select Refresh All Current Items (recommended) to refresh only the current row after the flow action has ended. In most cases, leave this selection (default). Select Refresh All Items to refresh the entire layout. Field added V6.2, no GRP # -pashm
Open Selected ItemOpens the item selected in the layout.



Expand/Collapse Expands or collapses the harness depending upon the current state of the form.
Print Starts browser-based printing, which prints the current work object form as displayed. This printout may not include desired fields and may use colors, fonts, and labels that are not desired in hard copy prints.
Refresh Section Refreshes the section containing the button or another section in the harness.
  • SmartPrompt Target — Specify which section in the form will be refreshed when the user clicks the button.

This Section — Refreshes the section containing the button.

Other Section — Refreshes the section specified in the Section field.

  • SmartPrompt Section — Specify which section will be refreshed. Appears when Other Section is selected.
  • SmartPrompt Optional. Select an activity to run before refreshing the section. Prompt is based on Pages and Classes of current section. If the activity uses parameters, enter their values. GRP-18536 V6.2 pashm
Spellcheck Invokes the spellchecker. This tool determines which dictionaries to apply, how to operate the spellchecking algorithm, and other details.
Set Style Applies an inline styling to this control only. In the Inline Style field, type a CSS style definition in this field, or click the magnifying glass to access a Style Editor window. Styles you enter in this field supplement and override style elements defined in style sheets, according to normal CSS rules.

Using the Style Editor

You can select the font, color, font size, text align, vertical align PROJ 242 – TASK 16156, borders, margins, and other attributes of this cell using selection lists. The Style Editor maintains a preview of the resulting presentation. If you alter the style definition directly, click  Apply   to update the preview.

Click  OK   to record the style defined with the Style Editor in the panel.
Show Smart Info Appears when the UI Element is Icon or Link, and the Event is Hover. Displays a SmartInfo pop-up. The contents of the display are determined by a section rule, presented in read-only mode.
  • Section — Select the section that you want to include in the pop-up.
  • Title — Optional. Enter a phrase that appears in the header area.



Harness Replaces an open harness or displays a new one.
  • Target — Define where the system will render the specified harness.

Replace Current — Replaces the current tab or work area contents with the new harness.

Pop-Up Window — Displays the harness in a new browser window.

New Document — Opens the harness and replaces the current area contents.

Note that if the harness is launched outside a work area, it always opens in a pop-up window.

  • SmartPrompt Harness — Select the harness that is displayed.
  • SmartPrompt Tab Name — Optional. Select a property or enter a text string that identifies a tab. If this value matches the name of an open tab, the new harness replaces the tab. Otherwise, the new harness appears in a new tab. Used with New Document and Replace Current.
  • SmartPrompt Class — Select the class to which the harness rule belongs.
  • Read Only — Select if you want the harness contents to display in read-only mode. If set to No you must enter a window name (Pop-Up Window target only).
  • Submit Current — Select to save the harness data before the system replaces the harness. Used with Replace Current.
  • Window Name — Optional. Enter a name that the system uses to identify a browser window. If a window of that name is open, the new harness replaces the contents of that window. Otherwise, the harness appears in a new window. Used with Pop-Up Window.
  • Window Width — Optional. Enter a positive integer to set the window width in pixels. If you leave this and the Window Height field blank, the system replicates the dimensions of the current window. Used with Pop-Up Window.
  • Window Height — Optional. Enter a positive integer to set the window height in pixels. Used with Pop-Up Window.
  • SmartPrompt Key — Optional. Enter the key value (pxInsName) of a data instance you want to automatically open as the new primary page when the harness is displayed. The system uses this value and the Class value to identify the record. This action executes before a pre-activity (if defined). Used with New Document.
  • SmartPrompt Pre-activity — Optional. Select an activity or enter the key part Activity Name to cause the system to execute it before rendering the harness. If the activity uses parameters, enter their values.
Landing Page Opens a landing page for display or CreateNewWork to create a new work object based on a landing page.
  • Action — Choose Display to open a landing page for display , or CreateNewWork to create a new work object based on a landing page.
  • Name — Enter a unique name for the landing page. Attempting to open a landing page while a landing page with the same Name value is open will result in the new landing page overriding the tab in which the already open landing page was displayed.
  • Class — Enter one of the following based upon the action:

– DisplayAction — Enter the class on which the harness for the landing page is based.

– CreateNewWorkAction — Enter the class on which the flow run to create the work object is based

  • Harness Name DisplayAction only. Select the harness that the landing page is built on.
  • Model— DisplayAction only. Select the model used to generate the landing page.
  • PageDisplayAction only. Specify an existing page.
  • Read OnlyCreateNewWorkAction only. Specify the name of the flow used to create new work.
  • Level A — Enter a value to work with a when condition on the harness to open the selected item in a specified tab on the landing page.
  • Level B — Enter a value to work with a when condition on the harness to open the selected item in a specified tab on the landing page.
  • Level C — Enter a value to work with a when condition on the harness to open the selected item in a specified tab on the landing page.
  • Specify additional parameters to pass to the harness or flow.
  • Specify additional parameter values to pass to the harness or flow.
List View Opens a list view.

Specify the class of a list view, the Purpose key part. Choose Refresh, Redisplay, or Sort. Select the Header checkbox to display the list view header.

Local Action For harness rules only. Allows the user to complete a local action by clicking the button that presents a pop-up form. Select the action in the Local Action field.

Optionally, select Open in Modal Dialog to present the local action window as a modal window, which appears in front of all other windows and must be completed (or closed) before the user can perform any other processing.

Select this when the local action accepts one or more input fields.

Open URL in Window Using an activity that returns an HTML stream, opens a URL in a browser window.


  • Use Alternate Domain — Optional. Select to specify an alternate domain for the URL to open.

    – Select a URL in the Alternate Domain URL field.

    – Use the Querystring area to specify the names and values of query strings for the alternate domain URL.
  • User Primary Page — Optional. Select to invoke an activity based on the contents of the primary page when this node is selected.
  • SmartPrompt Activity — Select an activity to return an HTML stream that displays in the opened window.
Window Properties
  • Window Name — Specify a text string to define the name of the opened window.
  • Replace History — Select to erase the history of the opened browser window.
  • Height — Enter a numerical value to represent the height in pixels of the opened window
  • Width — Enter a numerical value to represent the width in pixels of the opened window
  • Top — Enter a numerical value to represent the offset in pixels from the top of the screen
  • Left — Enter a numerical value to represent the offset in pixels from the left of the screen.
  • Resizable — Select to enable the opened window to be resized.
  • Scrollbars — Select to enable scrollbars in the opened window.
  • Location Bar — Select to enable the location bar in the opened window.
  • Menu Bar — Select to enable the browser's menu bar in the opened window.
  • Status Bar — Select to enable the browser's status bar in the opened window.
  • Tool Bar — Select to enable the browser's tool bar in the opened window. V6.2 GRP- 26969 pashm
Report Definition Executes the retrieval and sorting operations, but not the formatting and display processing, of a report definition rule.
Wizard Launch a wizard based on key part Label and class of the wizard (class name begins with PegaAccel- ). Optionally, specify parameters such as operator ID, status, and so on.



Open Rule Opens the rule based upon handle. In the Resolve By field, select Name, Handle, or Handle By Condition to define how the rule is located. Select a when condition in the Handle Condition field if the rule is resolved by condition.
Open Rule By Name Opens the rule by the class and name part of the key. Select the class in which the rule is saved. Enter the handle of the rule you wish to open.
Open Rule By Keys Opens the rule by class, key, and value. Specify the class that has keys defined. Select Key values defined on the class rule form. Enter the key value that pertains to the rule you wish to open.
Run Script Calls a custom JaveScript function or Process Commander API.
  • SmartPrompt Function Name — Select the property or literal reference that contains the function you wish to run. (In the Control ruleform, only @ baseclass properties appear).

    Enter the JavaScript file using this function on the Harness rule form's Scripts and Styles tab. The Run Script action instructs the browser to find a JavaScript function with that name and then pass those parameters. If the same function is used in multiple files in the list, the last file is used (the last function overwrites the others with that name). The browser uses the defined function when it executes the JavaScript file.  
  • Parameter area — Optional. Enter parameter names and values (constants or properties). Order is important; if necessary, reorder the list by selecting a row and moving it. GRP-23509 V6.2 pashm
Conditions Use this area to select one or more conditions that determine whether (or how) the system takes action when the user performs the control event.

Optional. If this area is blank, the system always performs the action. To define a condition, click the add row icon . Select one of the when conditions in the drop-down list. Enter input parameters if required. When you click OK to close the dialog a condition icon appears in the condition column indicating that the behavior has an associated condition.

Enter another row if you want to use multiple conditions. Select either an "AND" or an "OR" operator for the second condition. You can add conditions using the operators of the same type. That is, if the first operator is "AND", all the following operators are "AND."

The conditions that appear in the drop-down list depend upon whether UI element is editable or read-only. Select one of the following when conditions:



Active The field has focus.
Associated Property Property value specified in the control's Cell Property panel (Value of associated property option) is equal, greater, or less than another property value.
Empty The control does not contain a property value.
Inactive The field does not have focus.
Not Required An input field that is not required.
Other Property Property value given for the Value of a different property option on this tab is equal, greater, or less than another property value.
Populated The control contains a property value.
Required An input field that must have a non-blank value. Most forms label a required field with an orange asterisk () .
When Rule A when condition that you configure.

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