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Interacting with the Diagram tab

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C-1106 Use the Diagram tab to:

Tip To work more easily with a large flow diagram, temporarily hide the navigation panel by clicking one of the toggle arrow icons in the portal's vertical divider (Collapse). When you finish working with a large diagram, click the toggle arrow again and redisplay the navigation panel.

Or, to hide the navigation panel automatically whenever you open the Flow Editor to edit a flow:

  1. Select Preferences from the portal's profile menu.
  2. In the Edit group of preferences, select the Collapse Nav Pane checkbox.
  3. Click Save.

  Presentation on the Diagram tab

When first opening a flow rule, the Diagram tab displays one of the following:

When both the Discovery Map and a Visio diagram for the flow exist, use the View drop-down menu to choose which representation to see and work with. The Standard view is the default.

If the flow has not yet been opened in Visio and saved, the View drop-down menu is not displayed. To see the View menu, first use the Flow Editor (Flow Editor) to open the flow in Visio. Save the flow. Then the View drop-down menu is displayed on this tab.

  Modifying the flow

The flow structure itself — the layout of its shapes — can only be modified by starting the Flow Editor and modifying it in Visio.

However, many of the attributes of the flow and its shapes can be edited by right-clicking a shape and updating the property panel for that shape. In the property panel, you can create, review, or update the rules and properties for most shapes in a flow.

To open the rule form that is most directly associated with a shape:

Double-click the shape. The rule that is most directly associated with the shape opens; for example, double-clicking on an assignment shape opens its associated harness rule and not the section rules used in the harness.

To review or update properties for shapes in the flow:
Right-click the shape. In the pop-up panel that opens, select the View tab to review the rules that are associated with the shape. Select the Edit tab to review or update the shape's properties. If you enter the name of a rule that does not exist for one of the shape's properties, you can use the rule opener (Rule opener) next to that field to create the rule.

If you have implemented the Process Optimization tool in your application, you can select the Optimization tab on Assignment shapes to define properties that are used with the Optimization option in the View drop-down menu.

To preview the runtime presentation for a human-based step:
A flow step that requires human interaction has a user interface defined for that shape in the flow. These flow shapes are either start shapes or assignment shapes. To see an approximate version of the user interface as it would appear at runtime at that point in the flow, click a start or assignment shape.

If you click a shape that does not require human interaction (and so does not have a user interface associated with it), a description of the rule associated with that shape is displayed. For example, if you click a decision shape or a utility shape, the description of that shape's rule is displayed.

  Working with use cases and requirements from the Discovery Map

If a shape in the map has an associated use case, double-click the shape to:

If a shape has an associated use case, an icon appears on the shape:

Use case icon on shape

After double-clicking the shape, the Edit Use Case window opens.

Edit Use Case window

In the Edit Use Case window, use the Definition tab to update information about the use case and use the Requirements tab to associate requirements with this use case. You can also select the use case name or requirement name to open the associated rule form.

To save your updates, click OK; to cancel, click Cancel.

When updates in this window are saved, the underlying use case rule is updated.



Name Name of this use case. Click to open the rule form for the use case.
RuleSet RuleSet and RuleSet version for this use case. Click to open the RuleSet form.
Definition tab
Business Objective Select a business objective.
Trigger Select the action that initiates this use case.
Status Select the status for this use case.
Actors Specify the actors for this use case.

Use the SmartPrompt to select from a list. Use the Add a row and Delete a row icons to add or remove an item from the Actors array.

Complexity Specify the complexity of this use case.
Shape Specify the shape associated with this use case.
On Behalf Of Select which actor on whose behalf this step is performed.
Description field Enter text that describes the use case.
Requirements tab
Name Name of requirement associated with this use case. To open the rule form for the requirement, click its name.
Category Read only. Category of the requirement.
Importance Read only. Importance of the requirement.
Status Read only. Status of the requirement.
External Req. ID Read only. The ID of the requirement as identified in another (external) system.
Add a row Click to associate another requirement with this use case. The requirement must already exist in the application.
Delete a row Click to disassociate the requirement from this use case.

To return to the standard view from the Discovery Map, click the Back To Standard View button.

  Shape review panel tool name TBD5.5 GRP-202

When you right-click on specific shapes in the flow diagram representation, a shape review panel opens. This feature enables you to review and navigate to the rules, and to open the property panel settings associated with these shapes:

  • Assignment (flow action connectors are edited in this shape)
  • Assignment Service
  • Decision
  • Integrator
  • Notify
  • Router
  • Spinoff
  • Split-ForEach
  • Split/Join
  • Start
  • Call or branch to subprocess
  • Utility
To open the shape's properties panel, do the following:
  1. Select and right-click a flow shape. The shape review panel appears. In addition, a golden arrow points to the selected shape.
  2. To view the rule instances referenced by a flow shape, select the View tab. To open the rule form, select the rule link in the panel. If you modify and save the rule, the shape uses the updated rule when you execute the flow. You do not need to save the flow rule for your updates to take effect.

    NoteTo open a connector flow action rule — one that exits from an assignment shape — click the Flow Action link on an assignment panel.
  3. To open a shape's property panel, select the Edit tab. The panel is the same one used in the Visio editor. Review the panel information and modify it if necessary. You cannot modify the shape name.
  4. Click Apply to keep your updates and leave the viewer open. Alternatively, click OK to apply your updates and close the viewer. You can only use the viewer with one shape at a time. That is, if the viewer is open and you right-click on another shape, the original viewer closes and a new one opens. The original updates are automatically applied.
  5. Save the flow rule when you are finished with your design session. When you save, any changes in an open viewer are applied. To cancel your changes, exit without saving. A warning message appears indicating that there is changed data (assuming that the Exit warning is set in General Preferences).
As you work with the viewer, note the following:

  Views 5.4 proj-839

View menu choicesUse the View drop-down menu to:

If you have implemented the Process Optimization tool in your application, the View drop-down menu contains an Optimization choice. Click it to open the Optimization Criteria panel, which you use to perform probability analysis on assignments in your process. See About the process optimization tool.

About the metrics overlays Proj-839 5.4
Orphan assignments and flow actions

Task Volumes, Flow Analysis and Task Duration also display, under the drop-down menu, a table of orphaned assignments or flow actions that may exist in the system but no longer have valid references as shown in this example for Flow Analysis.

These orphan items can occur when an assignment shape is missing or renamed through design or implementation errors, access issues, RuleSet issues, or database integrity issues. Click a link (Action item in this example) to open a list of orphan items. You can drill down to the item to correct the error. You can also delete an orphan assignment by opening the a flow error gadget, selecting an item, and clicking Delete Orphan Assignments.

  Single-click to preview

Click once on a shape to display, in the bottom half of the workspace, a preview of the rule referenced by that shape. Previews may convey the runtime appearance of a work object form or other object.

Click the small open button () at the top right of the preview area to open the rule.


When clicked, displays ...

Assignment symbol

The harness form preview, identifying the available flow actions.


The decision rule referenced in the shape.


For flow rules that have Creates a new work object? selected on the Process tab, the harness rule used to enter a new work object.


The connector rule referenced in the shape.


The name and a verbalization of the router activity.


The flow form of the flow started by the spin-off shape.

Split for Each


The flow form for each flow rule.

utility symbol

The name and a verbalization of the activity referenced.

NoteIf you place a work object of an appropriate work type on the clipboard before you preview, the resulting harness form previews are more complete, as they contain data from that work object.

CautionUsing the preview function for a harness, section, or flow action rule may create a clipboard page and initialize properties. In turn, this may execute declarative processing. Use caution before implementing any on-change declarative processing that updates a database. F-174 APAP SR-866 GROVS 10/11/05

  Double-click to open, update, or create a rule

Double-click a shape to access the rule most directly associated with that shape. If the shape references a rule that does not exist, the New dialog box appears and you can create the missing rule.


Double-click to open or create

Assignment symbol

The harness rule.


The decision rule.


For flow rules that have Creates a new work object? selected on the Process tab, the harness rule used to enter a new work object.


The connector rule.


The flow rule to start.

Split for Each


The flow rule to iterate.

utility symbol

The utility activity.

  Right-click to identify or edit shape parameters

Right-click a shape to open a pop-up window that lists rules referenced in the shape properties. (To use the right-click feature, first set the diagram to Standard View.) GRP-202 5.5

If the flow form is editable, you may edit the shape properties, from the View tab. This feature supports nine types of tasks: LAU_W 9/24/08


For instructions, see

Assignment symbol

Flow rule — Editing assignment shape properties

Assign Service

Flow rule — Editing assignment service shape properties

Call or branch

Flow rule — Editing the Call or Branch to Subflow shape properties


Flow rule — Editing Decision shape properties.


Flow rule — Editing the Start shape properties


Flow rule — Editing Integrator shape properties.

notify shape

Flow rule — Editing the Notify shape properties


Flow rule — Editing the Router shape properties


Flow rule — Editing the Spin-off shape properties

Split for Each


Flow rule — Editing the Split-ForEach shape properties

Split Join shape


Flow rule — Editing the Split/Join shape properties

utility symbol

Flow rule — Editing Utility shape properties.

  Interacting with the Policy Overrides view

C-2117Select Policy Overrides from the View menu to identify on the diagram those flow actions that update property values that may start OnChange rules.

Each icon shape marks a point in the flow where a local flow action or connector flow action causes property values to change that may in turn cause an OnChange rule to suspend execution of this flow (for the current work object) or start an additional flow. See:


Up About Flow rules