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Editing in Visio — Creating and editing screen flows

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C-1112 A flow rule that presents a user with a sequence of forms to complete is known as a screen flow. This specialized type of flow rules provides an effective way to simplify input processing and present questions or input fields in a series of related forms. Users can change an answer to an earlier question by backing up in the flow; and, in some situations, can complete steps in any order.

 Task shapes allowed

To support this style of interaction, a screen flow's Visio flow diagram can contain only these shapes: Replaced "Assignment" shape label with "Screen" for v6.1, R. Norin

Assignment Assignment symbol Fork Fork
Flow Subflow SplitForEach connectorProj-761
Connector connector Start Comment
Decision Decision Utility Utility shape
FlowEnd Flowend    

Because many business processes require additional shapes, you may need to create a subflow for the screen flow iterations, and call the subflow from an unrestricted starter flow.


Follow these steps to create a screen flow:

  1. Create a new flow rule:
    • in the Application Explorer, right-click the class the rule will belong to and select New > Process > Flow; or
    • with any rule open, select the down-arrow beside thenew icon New Menu icon and select Process > Flow.

    The Flow: New dialog box appears.

  2. In the New dialog box, specify the class the rule applies to in the Applies To field.
  3. Give the rule a meaningful name in the second field, which for historical reasons is called Flow Type.
  4. Select ScreenFlowStandard, ScreenFlowBPMN, or ScreenFlowTabbed as the Template value. Click  Create   to create the flow rule. Save the rule.
    If this is a subflow, open the flow rule that creates the work object and then calls or branches to the screen flow you created. Add a Call Subflow shape (Subflow). Specify Screen Flow as the Flow type; in the Flow Rule field specify the screen flow you created. Save the calling flow.
  5. Select the screen flow you created and click the FlowEdit toolbar button (FlowEdit) to edit the flow rule in Visio.
  6. Make sure the Entry point? checkbox on at least one assignment task, subflow task, or utility task in the flow rule is selected. At runtime, entry points control to which places in the flow the users can jump.

 Completing the Start shape panel

Complete these fields in the Start Properties panel.






SmartPromptSelect one of three standard harness rules that support screen flows, or a custom harness rule you have evolved on one of these three:

Work-.TabbedScreenFlow To present the screen flow steps as horizontal tabs. If the first screen flow calls a subflow screen flow, a second level of tabs appears for the subflow entry points.
Work-.TreeNavigation To present the screen flow steps in a tree structure. BUG-4563
Work-.PerformScreenFlow To present the screen flow steps as rectangles in a breadcrumbs display rather than as clickable tabs.

For an example of the tabbed approach in use, select Pega button > Process & Rules > Tools > Find Rules> Find by Custom Field. This wizard uses the standard rule PegaAccel-Task-Wizard.CustomFieldsWizard

Tabbed screen flow

Supporting more than two levels of tabs

Advanced featureA second row of tabs appears when a user executes a subflow screen flow (that has entry points) that is called by a first-level screen flow. The standard final HTML rule Work-.NestedTabbedNavigation defines this limit. To support three or more levels: PROJ-1027

   1. Copy this rule into your application with a work class as the Applies To key part, keeping the second key part.

   2. Update one line in the HTML Source field to specify the number of sublevels desired. For example enter 2 to support three levels of tabs.

tools.putParamValue("Levels", nnn);

3. Optionally, update one line in the HTML Source field to specify the name of styles for each sublevel, separated by commas:

tools.putParamValue("ChildNodeStyle", "style1",
"style2", );.

4. Save the HTML rule form.

Save Later?

Check this checkbox to cause the work object and work object history to be committed only once, after users complete the entire screen flow. MARIK 6/30/06 Clear the Save Later? checkbox to let users select a Save local flow action at each point in the flow. After a Save local action, users can continue processing this flow, perform other work, or log off. B-14724 wasn't working

TipAs a best practice, select the Save Later? box in most cases, to reduce the number of work object Commit operations and history instances. KHATV 11/17/04

Allow errors?

This field appears if the Save Later? checkbox is checked. PROJ-278 GROVS

Select to allow users to select another entry point when executing a screen flow or a regular flow that includes breadcrumbs control, even when the form (or tab) for the current entry point reflects validation errors. (The user must eventually clear all such errors.)

If this option is not selected, users can advance to the next step of a screen flow, or click the breadcrumbs control, only after data in the current tab is valid.

TipTo prevent users from completing information that's never used, don't select the Allow errors? checkbox if the values in any entry point (for example, an Assignment task) directly or indirectly affect the outcome of a later Fork shape or Decision shape.


SmartPromptAt runtime, a single user processes all assignments in a screen flow rule. Identify the routing applied to all these assignments. Select ToWorklist to route the assignments to the current user.

Complete any input parameters for the router activity.


Select to cause the system to check the operator's availability and substitution values before routing to a worklist. VAGUE

 Completing the Assignment shape panel

Each Assignment shape has only one connector flow action. Complete these Assignment Properties panel for each screen:




Enter the name of the assignment as it appears on the Visio diagram and on the rectangle or tab at runtime.


SmartPromptSelect a field value rule for the worklist display that describes the task that users perform to complete the assignment. GRP-405 TASK-738. Click the pencil icon ( Pencil) to review the field value rule or define a new field value rule. The SmartPrompt lists field value rules with an Applies To key part equal to the work type of the flow rule (or a parent class) and a Field Name key part of pyInstructions.

NoteWhen you plan to localize the application using this rule, so the application can support users in various languages or locales, choose the text carefully and limit text length to 64 characters. A field value rule with this text as the final key part is needed for each locale. When practical, choose a caption already included in a language pack, to simplify later localization. See About the Localization wizard.

Flow Action

Identify one connector flow action.

Entry Point

Select to create an entry point for the assignment and allow user processing at runtime to begin or resume at this point in the flow. When selected, if this screen flow presents steps as tabs, at runtime a tab appears with the Name value as a label.

Leave cleared to indicate that users cannot return directly to this assignment; users may be able in some cases to reach it indirectly from an earlier assignment.

Only going back?

This checkbox appears only when you select the Entry Point? checkbox. Select to restrict users at runtime from jumping ahead to this step without having completed the preceding steps. After having completed this step, users may jump back to it from steps that follow it.

TipFor maximum user flexibility, leave this checkbox cleared if your flow accepts inputs in any order. However, this approach is typically not workable for flows that contain fork and decision shapes, or that have intermediate tasks that are not entry points.

Post Action on Click Away?

Select to cause Process Commander to execute the Validate Rule rule and the After This Action... Run Activity activity (both on the Action tab of the Flow Action form) when a user at runtime clicks a screen flow tab or screen flow tree node to leave this assignment and start (or return to) a different assignment. The post-processing activity can compute additional property values and perform other processing.

If the option is not selected, the validate rule does not execute and the post-processing activity does not execute when the user clicks to leave the assignment. 5 GRP-402 PROJ-1350

TipAs a best practice, check this option if the action has a non-blank Validate Rule or non-blank After This Action... Run Activity activity.

 Completing connectors

Only one connector must start from each Screen shape. Because this connector is always followed during a flow execution, no additional information is needed in a properties panel.

 Call or branch to subflow

A screen flow rule can call or branch to another flow rule, but only if the other flow rule is also a screen flow rule and uses the same harness rule.

 Decision shapes and fork shapes

No restrictions apply to Decision or Fork shapes used in a screen flow rule. Such tasks are normally not entry points. From a Decision shape or Fork shape, two or more connectors are required.

 Split-ForEach shapesProj-761 v5.4

When using a Split-ForEach shape in a screen flow, the only flow processing mode is Iterate, which spawns flows for elements of a Page Group or Page List property. No when conditions are available. Page Group properties are processed unordered and all pages are shown.

 Buttons for Back, Next, Submit, and Cancel

C-2029 GROVS At runtime, each assignment task in a screen flow rule presents a button labeled  Next>>  . When users click this button, processing validates user input and advances to the next assignment. (For tabbed screen flows and tree screen flows, the label on the  Next>>   button changes automatically to  Submit   when this assignment is the last one in a flow.) MARIK COHER SR-24622 5/14/09

A  <<Back   button appears automatically when a user has completed any task that is an entry point.

Optionally, screens can also include a  Cancel   button. To include a  Cancel   button:

  1. Update the Parameters tab of the screen flow rule to add a flow parameter named AddCancel. Select Boolean as the Data Type.
  2. Open each calling flow rule in Visio. Locate the Flow shape that calls the screen flow subflow. On the SubFlow Properties panel:
    • Select the AddCancel parameter checkbox to cause a  Cancel   button to appear.
    • Clear the AddCancel parameter checkbox to remove the  Cancel   button.
  3. Add a ticket named Withdraw at an appropriate place in the calling flow rule. When a user clicks the  Cancel   button during execution of the screen flow, a ticket named Withdraw is activated. Processing typically continues at that ticket task in the calling flow execution. REMOVED User inputs before the cancellation are discarded.MARIK 6/20/06 SR-3697 B-20661 BACK


The standard flow rule PegaSample-CustomerRequest.CustomerFeedback is a screen flow rule. This subflow is called by the NewWork starter flow when all members of the cover are resolved.

The standard flow rule PegaAccel-Task-Harvest.GatherRuleInfo is a tabbed screen flow rule that supports user cancellation. This subflow is called by the PegaAccel-Task-Harvest.HarvestRule flow rule, which supports the rule harvest facility.


Four standard rules support execution of screen flows:

Definitions screen flow, subflow
Related topics Flow rules — Editing the Call or Branch to Subflow shape properties
Flow rules — Editing the Decision task shape properties
Flow rules — Editing in Visio — Fork tasks
Flow rules — Editing the Split-ForEach shape properties

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