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About Map Value rules

Create a map value rule by selecting Map Value from the Decision category.

A map value rule has two key parts:



Applies To

SmartPrompt Select a class that this map value applies to.

The classes you can enter here may depend on the RuleSet you select. On the Restrictions tab of the Class form, a class rule may limit rules applying to that class to belong to one of an explicit list of RuleSets. C-356

NoteMap value rules can apply to an embedded page. On the Map Value rule form, you can use the keywords Top and Parent in property references to navigate to pages above and outside the embedded page. If you use these keywords, include the class and absolute name — or a symbolic name using Top or Parent — on the Pages & Classes tab. See Property References in Expressions. C-2560

Map Name

Enter a name that is a valid Java identifier. Begin the name with a letter and use only letters, digits, and a dash character. See How to enter a Java identifier.

For general information about the New form, see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information on the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Rule resolution

TTTT Full rule resolution applies to map value rules. When searching for map value rules, the system:

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