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Use a report definition rule to define a report. This rule generates HTML that displays selected data in a wide variety of formats, and allows a wide variety of user interactions with the displayed results.

Basic concepts and terms

Report definition rules define reports of two types:

 Report definition rules are similar to list view and summary view rules. Report definition rules provide much of the functionality of these V5 rule types, plus new features, and are easier to define than the V5 rules.

Where referenced

In addition to producing a report display or chart, report definition rules can be used simply to assemble a clipboard page (typically of class Code-Pega-List) for use in other processing. Your application can reference a report definition rule in these places: XXXX XXXXXXXX



Both developers and managers can create, update, and execute report definition rules.

When a report executes, its results appear in the Report Viewer. The Report Viewer offers many options for manipulating the displayed report, such as () printing it and () exporting it to Excel. Within the Report Viewer, you can also change the design of the report adjusting column headings and width, formatting of values, the order and sorting of columns, and specifying which rows of data to include. You can () Save these changes as new reports. See Report Viewer.

Completing the rule form

GATZH changes 3/18/2010 When creating a new report definition rule using the rule form, complete the tabs in the following order:

  1. Use the New dialog box to enter a name for the report that meaningfully describes, using short words and abbreviations, the purpose of the report.
  2. Complete the Design tab to:
    • Define which properties, functions, or expressions are to be included as columns in the report, and the settings that control how each column appears (heading, width, format, sort order, and so on.)
    • Define filtering conditions that define which class instances are to be included as rows in the report or in summarized data.
    • Define other general settings to control the appearance of the report.
    • Optional. Click the Include a Chart button and then complete the Chart Definition dialog to add and configure a chart display of the report’s data within the Report Viewer.  This can only be done for Summarized reports. GATZH changes 3/18/2010 See Defining and Editing Charts

    At any time while completing this tab, you may click the Save & Preview button to save the current report definition and display the results in the Report Viewer. See Completing the Design Tab

  3. Optional. Complete the User Interactions tab to control how users can interact with the report within the Report Viewer, such as:
    • Whether users can modify the report, print it, export it to Excel, and so on.
    • Whether SmartInfo icons appear on each row of detailed reports, to display additional information about each row. See Completing the User Interactions TabGATZH changes 3/18/2010
  4. Optional. Complete the Data Access tab to:
  5. Optional. Complete the Parameters tab to document the name, description, and data type of parameters used in the report definition rule. See Completing the Parameters Tab 
  6. Enter a Full Description on the History tab which explains the report in more detail (this more detailed description is displayed in the Report Browser when the cursor hovers over the report listing).
  7. Click () to Save the rule or the Save & Preview button to save and preview the rule in the Report Viewer.GATZH changes 3/18/2010

Defining Report Definition rules on abstract classes

You can't run report definition rules defined on Work- or abstract classes derived from Work- from the rule form, but can run in the Report Browser. When run in the Report Browser, the Applies To class of the report is resolved to the current work pool of the application being run.

See Manager portal — Using the Report Browser.

Similarly, report definition rules defined on History-Work- or abstract classes derived from History-Work- cannot be run from the rule form, but can run in the Report Browser. When run in the Report Browser, the Applies To class of the report is resolved to the History-Work- class for the current work pool of the application being run.

Likewise, report definition rules defined on Assign- or abstract classes derived from Assign- cannot be run from the rule form, but can be run in the Report Browser. When run in the Report Browser, the Applies To class of the report is resolved to Assign-Worklist.


Report definition rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-Report-Definition class. They are part of the Reports category.

Related topicsWorking with the Report Viewer
Report Definition rules — Defining and Editing Charts
Report Definition form — Completing the Chart Definition dialog
Manager portal — Using the Report Browser
AtlasAtlas — Standard Report Definition rules
Atlas — Standard SQL function rules

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