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About When condition rules

Create a when condition rule by selecting When from the Decision category.

TipFor those when condition rules that define simple tests involving a property or expression, you can use the  Quick Create   option and bypass the full When form as described below.

A when condition rule has two key parts:



Applies To

SmartPrompt Select a class to which this when condition rule applies.

The classes you can enter here may depend on the RuleSet you select. On the Restrictions tab of the Class form, a class rule may limit rules applying to that class to belong to one of an explicit list of RuleSets. C-356

When Name

Enter a name for this when condition rule. Begin with a letter and use only alphanumeric characters.

CautionDon't choose either keywords True or False as the When Name value.

For general information about the New form, see Completing the new rule dialog box. For general information on the Save As form, see How to enter rule keys using Save As.

Quick Create option

C-1069 To create a simple when condition rule quickly, bypassing the full form, enter a Boolean expression in the When field and click   Quick Create  .




SmartPrompt You can enter an expression here that evaluates to true or false. Type a single period and use SmartPrompt to access a list of properties. These are examples:

.BalanceRemaining > 0.0

.pyLabel !="Maryland"

@PageExists("myPage", tools)

  Quick Create   

Click to create the when condition rule based on the expression you entered.

If required, you can update this when condition rule later using the form.

Rule resolution

TTTT Full rule resolution applies to when condition rules. When searching for when condition rules, the system:

Up About When Condition rules