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Completing the Service tab

About Service CORBA rules

Use the Service tab to identify the activity that this Service CORBA rule calls.



Primary Page  
Page Class

SmartPromptSelect the class of the page that Process Commander passes to the activity as its primary page. This class is also the class that the activity being called by the service belongs to.

Page Model

SmartPromptOptional. Identify a model that the system uses to initialize properties on the primary page immediately after creating the page.

Page Name

Enter the name of the top-level clipboard page that Process Commander uses as the primary page by the activity being called remotely through CORBA.

Service Activity  
Activity Name

SmartPromptIdentify the name of the activity to run. Enter only the Activity Name part of the key. This activity provides an external interface; it is called the service activity because it is part of a package of external services. To find the activity at runtime, the system uses the value in the Primary Page Class field as the Applies To key part of the activity.

Processing Options  
End requestor when done?

Select to have the system end the requestor session after the activity completes and the response is sent.

This checkbox affect only stateful processing. This checkbox is ignored when the Processing Mode on the service package data instance is set to Stateless. PRKB-20448

Method is read-only

Leave unselected in most cases. Select to indicate that each use of this service is not to count as a service invocation under the terms of your license agreement. See Working with the License Compliance facility.

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