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C-1110Process Commander provides two rule types to support applications that use forms in the Portable Document Format (PDF):

The eForm accelerator uses a flow to guide you through the process of creating an eForm file rule and its corresponding eForm map rule.

The accelerator imports and parses a PDF form that you identify. Then it lists the names of the interactive form fields in the PDF form, making it easier for you to match the fields to Process Commander properties. If you create the rules yourself, enter the name of each form field in an eForm map rule and verify that you made no data entry errors.

Because the wizard uses a flow rule, the data you enter is stored as a work object until you finish the flow. When you resolve the work object, the eForm accelerator creates an eForm file rule for the uploaded PDF form and an eForm map rule that specifies how the fields in a form like that one map to Process Commander properties.

For information about using the PDF feature to process incoming PDF forms or to generate a PDF form, see the Pega Developer Network document PDNWorking with PDF Forms and Documents.


Before you begin, complete the following:

Starting the accelerator

To start the eForm Rules accelerator:

  1. Select the Pega buttonPega button at the top left.
  2. Select integration overviewthe Integration area and then the integration overviewIntegration Overview landing page.
  3. In the Integration Accelerators area, click the EForm Accelerator link.
Related topics About eForm File rules
About eForm Map rules

Up Tools, accelerators, and wizards