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PROJ-179 GRP-2245 You can use the optional Process Optimization tool to perform probability analysis on assignments to identify common flow patterns and trends. For each assignment, the tool generates an array of outcomes showing the likelihood that a work object, given set of input conditions (properties), will result in a given output (flow action). The tool uses this information in its analysis:

You can use the tool to automatically generate decision tree or decision table rules based on the statistics. You can then employ the rules in Decision shapes, declarative expressions, or in activity calls to help automate and expedite processing in your design.

For instructions on using the tool see How to use the Process Optimization tool.

How process optimization works

The optimization tool uses a statistical classification algorithm that examines, for a given assignment, a set of work object properties that you define, and sorts them into subsets according to associated flow actions. The subsets comprise property values that represent the most homogenous results (a subset that contains the highest number of similar values). The optimization process lists the subset conditions and tests them as true or false against the target flow action. In this way, the wizard discovers an historical flow pattern that you can save as if/then logic in a decision tree or decision table rule.

Why use optimization

Business processes often have common flow patterns, but the large volume of data makes it difficult to identify those patterns. It may not be immediately obvious, given a variety of work object properties, why a certain group of work objects are almost always processed the same way. The optimization tool helps you discover the patterns are and why they occur. With this information, you can streamline the process by eliminating, reconfiguring, or automating steps based on the anticipated outcomes.

For example, assume you are designing an auto insurance application process and that you want to optimize the assignment named Policy Decision, which has three resulting flow actions named Eligible (to Underwriting), Not Eligible (resolve), and Requires Review (to Review Application). You want to base the analysis values on four significant properties: .CustomerLevel, .CustomerAge, .VehicleLocation and .NumberOfViolations. The tool may discover that about 100% of applicants who share the following attributes are Eligible:

By saving these conditions as a decision tree or table rule, you can reduce work volume and eliminate operator handling in the Policy Decision assignment. Preceding it with a Decision shape using a decision rule generated by the wizard, the process automatically routes insurance applications with those properties directly to the Underwriting assignment.

Initializing the tool

To initialize Process Optimization, import the zip archive, which is located on the installation media in a ResourceKit subdirectory. Add the Pega-ProcessOptimization RuleSet to your application rule. The Optimization option appears in the View drop-down list in the flow on the Diagram tab, and as a tab when you right-click an Assignment shape in the diagram.

Before you begin

Do the following before you use the optimization tool:

As a best practice, re-run the tool on a regular basis to ensure that as new data is added, the statistics represent an up-to-date pattern.

decision shape
related topicsHow to use the process optimization tool
Flow form — Interacting with the Diagram tab
About Decision Tree rules

Property-Map-DecisionTree method
Standard ruleAtlas — Standard Decision Tree rules

Tools, accelerators, and wizards