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Use the Date/Time Parse Tester tool to test whether a text input matches the DateTime patterns used by Process Commander, which is based directly on Java standards. C-1712

Starting the tester

  1. Use the Class Explorer to open the standard activity Code-Pega-Parse.DTParseTester.
  2. Click the toolbar Run button (Run). A test input form appears.
  3. Select No test page. Click  Reset .
  4. Leave the parameter values blank. Click  Execute .
  5. Complete the input fields on the form:



Date/Time Pattern

Enter a pattern. The count of pattern letters identifies a format:

  • G   — Era designator, for example AD
  • y — Year, for example 1996
  • M — Month in year, for example July or 07
  • d — Day in month, for example 10
  • h — Hour in A.M./P.M. format, 1 to 12
  • H — Hour in day format, 0 to 23
  • m — Minute in hour, for example 30
  • s — Second
  • S — Millisecond
  • E — Day in week, for example Tuesday
  • Z — Time zone, for example Pacific Standard Time

For a comprehensive description of the syntax, see MSIE

Test Case

Enter text that may contain a date or date/time formatted with the pattern.



  • Use default locale — The current locale of your requestor session is used BUG-2986
  • Specify a locale — Select a locale from a list.


  • Use default timezone — The current locale of the server node is used (not the time zone in your workstation or Operator ID instance)
  • Specify a timezone — Select a locale from a list.

6. Click  Test Parsing  .

7. The system searches the Test Case text for a conforming date or date/time value. If found, it converts the value into a Process Commander internal format and displays the results.




Definitions free text rules, locale
Related topics Internationalization and Localization — Concepts and terms
Understanding the Date, Time of Day and DateTime property types

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