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GRP-287 5.5 The Organization Chart displays a hierarchy of organizations, divisions, and organization units in your system. You can use the chart to:

Starting the Organization Chart

  1. Select> Organization And Security > Organization > Organization Chart BYRNB 2/25/10 to start the Organization Chart display. A panel displays your current organization (as displayed in your operator profile).
  2. To display all the organizations in your system, click Display All.
  3. Click a plus sign to expand any node. Organizations are presented at the top level, divisions at the first indented level, and organization units at the second indented level. In this example, the Administration division belongs to the organization. The division has four organization units (Development, Finance, HR, and Technical). Technical has two child organization units (QA and Research) reporting to it (These child units are for charting purposes only. Their relationships are not referenced during rule processing or used in reports.)

The Description column contains the short description text in the node's rule form. The Cost Center and Manager columns use the values entered in the in the Cost Center and Cost Center Manager sections on the Accounting tab on division and organization unit rule forms.

You can double-click any node to open its rule form.

Working with the Chart

You can perform operations on a node by selecting it on the chart and right-clicking. This opens a pop-up menu, which displays these options:

As you make your modifications, use the Refresh button to update the display.
Definitionsdivision, organization unit, organizational RuleSet, ownership, RuleSet list
Related topicsAbout Organization data instances
About Organization Unit data instances
About Division data instances

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