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You can use the Delete a Class wizard to remove a class, all of its pattern- inheritance dependent classes and associated objects such as properties, activities, instances (including work objects, attachments and assignments).

You can only delete classes that meet the following restrictions:

  1. The class is not in the basic Pega- RuleSets that define Process Commander.
  2. The class is in a RuleSet listed in your RuleSet list.

Starting the wizard

Select> System > Tools > Refactor Rules > Delete a Class BYRNB 2/23/10 to start the wizard.

You can return to a previous step using the <<Back button. No rules are altered by the wizard until you click Next>> in step 2. For instructions on the forms, see:

Resuming the wizard

This tool creates a work object with prefix pxW-. To find open wizard work objects, select the menu option> Application > Tools > All Wizards. BYRNB 2/23/10


CautionChecked out rules associated with the class will be deleted. Unlike other rule management wizards, the Delete a Class wizard does not identify and warn of checked out rules among those to be deleted.

CautionDeleting a class might render an application inoperative. Always back up the Process Commander system before deleting a class.

This wizard can't delete a rule that belongs to a locked RuleSet version. Locked rules will be left in place during the deletion and listed on the summary of undeleted rules on page 3 of the wizard, Search for References.

The wizard can't delete a class if it contains one or more rules that have failed deletion (perhaps because they belong to a locked RuleSet version.) However, all rules that can be deleted will be when you run the wizard. To complete deleting the class, you must unlock or otherwise make it possible for the undeleted rules to be deleted and then run the wizard again.

Errors are written to a log. To examine the log, use the Class Explorer to view instances of the Log-Delete-Class.

Classes related to deleted classes by directed inheritance are not deleted. If the specified class is a subclass of Work-, all instances are deleted prior to the deletion of the class. PROJ-865 PROJ-1292 PROJ-1293 5.4

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