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Tracing services

You can use the Tracer to monitor any active requestor session. However, a service usually runs in a new requestor session with a requestor ID that is not created until the service begins processing. At that point, the processing a service performs occurs so quickly (less than one second) it can be hard to catch the event to trace it. Therefore, use the Trace Open Rule feature to trace service rules.

The Tracer offers the following trace options for services:

You can use the Trace Open Rule feature while unit testing the rule and to trace a service request that is invoked from the external client application. C-2430

  1. Open the service rule. Note which RuleSet it belongs to. C-2430
  2. Select Availability> Trace Open Rule. The Tracer tool window opens. BYRNB 2/22/10
  3. Click Options to open the Options panel.
  4. Select Services in the Rule Types area.
  5. In the RuleSets to Trace section, select the RuleSets that contain the service rule and service activity.
  6. Click  OK   to close the Options panel.
  7. Run the rule.
  8. Watch the Tracer as the rule runs. The window includes lines for the start and end of each service rule execution, lines for the start and end of request mapping, lines for the start and end of response mapping, and (if selected) lines for the start and end of parse rules, XML Stream rules, and HTML rules.

For more information about tracing and testing services, see PDNTesting Services and Connectors, a document posted on the Integration section of the Pega Developer Network.

Related topics Setting Tracer options
       Unit testing a rule with the Run Rule feature

Up Debugging with the Tracer