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Tracer tool

The Tracer has a fixed buffer to hold traced events that it has not processed. In some complex tracing situations, this limit is reached and the Tracer discards additional arriving events. A message appears:

Event queue is overflowing on server, events will be discarded.

To avoid this limitation, select fewer RuleSets or event types and then repeat the operation to be traced. PRKB-17626

Clipboard tool

Installation of a new JVM version on the server after Process Commander is installed can interfere with the operation of the Clipboard tool. See the Pega Developer Network article PDNPRKB-15992 Troubleshooting: Clipboard tool fails after JVM change (Tomcat). Q-1668REMOVED In some Tomcat installations, the default location of the jar file supporting Xalan prevents the Clipboard tool from appearing at all. To resolve this problem, copy the xalan.jar file from the web-inf/lib directory into the common/endorsed directory; then stop and restart Tomcat. PRKB-16905

In some WebSphere 6 installations, the default location of the jaxrpc.jar file can interfere with the Clipboard tool operation. This file can be removed or moved; Contact Pegasystems Global Services for a remedy. SR-3412

Document tool

The Documentation wizard depends on a Microsoft Dynamic Linked Library file MSXML.DLL that has limitations and known issues. If the generated Word document appears incomplete or incorrect, try these troubleshooting tips:Q-1769 FITZI

For technical information about the XMLHTTPRequest DOM object supported by MSXML.DLL, see the following Microsoft Knowledgebase article:
WWW link;en-us;237906.

Application Developer Help System

If help links are not working, check to confirm that the Application Developer help system is installed and started. The help system is an optional Web application.

Select Pega> System > Settings > URLs to verify that the URI path to the help system, recorded in a Dynamic System Settings data instance named Pega-ProCom.ProComHelpURI, is correct. Changes to Dynamic System Settings rules take effect when you next log in.

System Management application

If the System Management application cannot be started, check to confirm that the WAR file was installed. This is a Web application.

Select Pega> System > Settings > URLs to verify that the URI path to this application, recorded in a Dynamic System Settings data instance named Pega-ProCom.SystemManagementURI is correct. Changes to Dynamic System Settings rules take effect when you next log in.

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